AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is the result of damage to the immune system. A damaged immune system is unable to protect the body against certain specific 'opportunistic' infections and tumours.

These are called opportunistic because they are caused by organisms which are normally controlled by the immune system but which 'take the opportunity' to cause disease if the immune system has been damaged. The opportunistic infections which are considered to be 'AIDS-defining' are listed in the HIV & AIDS Treatments Directory. Unlike most other diseases, different people with AIDS may experience different clinical problems, depending on which specific opportunistic infections they develop. This is what a syndrome means – a collection of different signs and symptoms that are all part of the same underlying medical condition.

Symptoms of Aids

These early symptoms are often very mild, so it is easy to mistake them for another condition, such as a cold, or glandular fever.

Depression is one of the first symptoms of Aids, and of course, can be mistaken for the regular blahs or a temporary mood. However, depression is more profound than sadness and includes lethargy and a lack of interest in activities that were once enjoyable.

Rapid weight loss from an unknown cause (more than 10 lbs. in two months for no reason).

Appearance of swollen or tender glands in the neck, armpits or groin, for no apparent reason, lasting for more than four weeks

Preventing Aids

The first step to prevent the AIDS is a protective sex. You should carry a preservative with you if you are planning to meet your sex partner.

Condoms are a physical barrier against HIV transmission but they are not perfect barriers. Condoms can have invisible pinholes or cracks. Condoms can break open or slip off. When condoms break, it is usually because of the lack of lubrication.Always know your partner's history. Ask politely if he or she has ever had any STD's. It might be a little embarrassing, but you'll be glad to know.

Just and a woman to create a baby and if they don't want to create a baby they just don't have sex. The choice is a very simple one, and only responsible people would have a baby because they are best suited to take care of a baby because having a baby is a big responsibility.think of how much better humanity would be if people only had sex between a man.

Also it is good to avoid any narcotics involvements because when you are using your syringe unfortunately they are not always clean.

Make HIV tests routine. If you're having sex quite often with numerous partners, it would be wise to go to a local clinic to get checked. This way, you can get proper treatment early in the virus if positive and avoid spreading it to other partners.If you are a donor or if you need some blood from someone be aware about AIDS too because you have to perfectly know before the transfusion if the blood do not contain any AIDS disease from someone else.

Be prepared in advance. Sexual passion often interferes with clear thinking. In order to provide adequate protection, condoms must be used correctly. See Figure 7 regarding condom use, and then practice.

The most dangerous substances, or course, are blood, semen, vaginal and cervical secretions, and feces. Saliva and tears do not seem capable of transmitting HIV due to their low concentration of HIV.

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