Most of us use WhatsApp and somehow we also subscribe to some of the random WhatsApp groups .

These could be family groups, community groups, close friends groups, or an association of similar minds.

However, it is always good to have tips for managing a WhatsApp group. 

Here are 9 tips for managing a WhatsApp group well

1 -Always learn to like messages from others in your WhatsApp group, even if they are not your friends.

It makes them feel important and encouraged to come up with something more positive.

2 -Never run people on the platform in a group chat.

You will have them withdrawn and you will never speak objectively on the problems.

3 -When you see something you don't like from a member of the WhatsApp group, send the inbox to the person

4 -Do not attack him publicly on the platform

Never insult or use unpleasant tongues on members

5 -Be quickly sorry and apologize when you made a mistake. It helps ease the tension your statements must have created.

6 -Do not try to apply your ideas or suggestions to members of the WhatsApp group. No one has a monopoly on knowledge, allows the conclusions of the majority to prevail over questions.

7 -Never settling scores with anyone on a general group conversation

will give others the opportunity to take sides, which will cause others to withdraw.

8 -When someone is celebrating, he / she may not need to be your friend before celebrating with that person in this WhatsApp group.

It is the spirit of brotherhood

9 -In most WhatsAppgroups, some have the gift of speaking and others the gift of reading.

Learn to contribute to the group even if only by using the symbol. It lets people know that you appreciate the group.

We hope you have learned something from this post. if you think we are missing anything then do let us know in the below comment section. 

Author's Bio: 

My name is James K Meyer. I have been an entrepreneur and passionate blogger for over a decade, during which time I have written thousands of articles on my blog and many other publications. I write about Business, Health, Technology, Automobiles, Legal, Hospitality and much more. I am also an active contributer on Entrepreneur, Forbes, NYTimes.