“I live in a surrounding River of mind, into which thoughts fall, and which ceaselessly turns ALL these thoughts into form.” Ernest Holmes

There is One Life, One Heart, One Soul, One Mind that manifests in, through and as each of us. On this glorious God morning I connect to this oneness with my breath. I know I am a complete, whole, perfect manifestation of this One Mind. I know this One Mind is the container of all thought – past and current. I know that the more people who focus on the same thought or similar thought the more power that is given to that thought or thoughts existence. I know this of thought as race consciousness.

We are each bombarded with ways to look at things through all forms of media, through what we are taught, through what our ancestors were taught. I know If I want to change my current situation then I must remain vigilant of my thoughts, what I allow to permeate in, what I focus my attention on. I know this is true for me; I know this is true for you.

I am grateful for this knowing, this Truth. I am grateful we can truly changing the world one person at a time, one thought at a time and that change begins with me. I am grateful for knowing that if I desire to see peace in the world, I must begin with inner peace ; I must create peace in my heart and in my home then everyone who comes in contact with me will know peace and like a wave it will spread outward into my community, my state and the world.

I release this Truth allowing it to unfold with grace and with ease. I let go and I let God. And so it is.


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Visit Gayle at www.expressingspirit.com