Much has been written on what it takes to win the game of life. A lifetime of experience says it’s not as complicated as most people make it. Here’s my list. Take what you want.

1. You can’t succeed alone. Every story of success is a story of people working together, each contributing their own unique talents, skillsets and abilities. Do what you do best. And let others fill in the gaps.

2. Perseverance always wins. You can’t fail if you don’t quit. Find yet another way to make it work. Whatever *it* is for you. As Winston Churchill said in Britain’s darkest hour, “Never, never, never give up.”

3. Take time from your busi-ness every day - even if only 10 or 15 minutes - to center yourself. Some call it meditation . It’ll make you more effective and you’ll accomplish much more.

4. If you don’t like where you are today, don’t expect tomorrow to be any different without change. Change your attitude , your priorities, your activities. Change from being rea-c-tive to being c-rea-tive.

5. You are a product of your thoughts. It’s true that ‘thoughts are things’. Whatever you think about most of the time is what you create in your life. Hint: If you want more than you think you have now, don’t *ever* give energy to thoughts of lack.

6. You always receive what you give. Consequently, if you want help, be helpful. If you want honest relationships, be truthful. If you want success, help others get what they want. If you want love, be loving. The corollary is that you always find what you’re looking for.

7. Life really is like a movie. You write the script. You’re the star, director & critic. And like a movie, it ends. What’s important in life is not just the journey, but the quality of the journey. That’s why it’s important to make every day the best it can be, ‘cuz now is all you have.

What the heck. You might as well enjoy life. None of us are gettin’ out alive. ;-)

Author's Bio: 

Stephanie Frank works with people who want to improve performance and pump up their power to profit. She is the author of the best-selling book, The Accidental Millionaire and founder of The Success IQ University, specializing in peak performance, productivity and leadership coaching and education. For a FREE audio program “The 13 Vital Traits of Super Effective People, go here: