Likely you have seen the damaging effects of the harsh UV rays—wrinkles, dry skin, freckling, even cancer are all dangers. If you want the great coloring of the sun but are worried about your health, consider Sun Lab tanning. It's a great alternative that is safe and effective. Here are some reasons why sunless tanning is preferred:

1. Have you ever fallen asleep in the sun? Anyone who has, knows the dangers - the feeling of burnt skin is not something anyone forgets soon. It could be you fell asleep or it could be that you weren't using the proper protection—either way the results can teach a painful lesson.

2. Tanning beds are harmful also. Many people mistakenly thought that tanning beds were a safe alternative to sunning—they were wrong. The US Public Health Service issues cautions about sun beds and lamps. They are known carcinogens and can cause melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer there is.

3. Some people—try though they may—just can't seem to get a tan. This is the case for many people. What always works? Selftanning and Sun Labs. Regardless of how fair you are, you can still use these products to achieve the exact look you want. You can get a hint of color to your skin, or a complete dark rich tan.

4. Tan lines are always pesky. No one likes to see the tan lines that sun can produce. No matter how hard you try, there are going to be some lines. If you use tanning creams and lotions however, you can completely control this too. No more unsightly lines to contend with or try to hide. With cream options you can completely cover your body for a flawless tanned look.

5. Tanning with self-tanners is also time efficient. Consider how getting a tan from the sun takes hours—sometimes days to achieve the look you want. Also, you never know when the sun will work with you to help you get the color you desire. On the other hand, self-tanners can be applied and show their results within minutes.

6. Skin cancer is caused by harmful UV rays. It's no secret that baking in the sun is not healthy. It dries out skin and has lasting effects like wrinkles, tissue damage and of course, serious burns. Not only is it inconvenient, inefficient and difficult to get a "natural" tan, but it can be downright dangerous.

The above are six great reasons why you should be using sun labs and products to achieve your tan. The sun is harmful. Products aren't. Test them out and you'll find that they are the simplest and most effective way to receive the color you want.

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Author's Bio: 

There are many reasons why sunless and sun lab tans are beneficial. They are safe and efficient ways to achieve the tan you want.