Social, mobile and cloud-based capabilities have revolutionized the commercial playing field. Just having a store no longer suffices. It is challenging for a business to survive, let alone thrive, without a definitive presence on the internet.

The app emerged over the past few years, to become a sort of magic bullet for a user’s online needs. It provides individuals with a gateway to life-changing or at the very least, life-easing functions. Business applications are becoming non-negotiable when it comes to optimizing productivity and boosting profit.

A study found that one in every six projects suffer from a budget overrun by 200%. 70% overrun their schedules and suffer delays in completion. A recent survey also revealed that 75% of businesses and IT executives expect their projects to experience a failure. The challenges of app development have driven business and IT leaders alike to resort to the services of rapid application development tools.

HokuApps offers a set of RAD tools created to align with the most relevant needs of developers across industries. It is equipped with features that serve to provide a range of immediate and long-term advantages to its users.

Business and IT Alignment
The survey mentioned above also states that 85% of IT professionals spend about half of their time on rework related activities. This occurs primarily due to the disjunct spheres of influence exercised by IT and business leaders. The former deals with development and quality control while the latter is concerned with analysis and production aspects of the software development lifecycle. This division can be bridged by the engaging environment offered by HokuApps’ RAD application development tools. The tools enable collaboration between business and IT department at every stage of development. This makes for refined applications, thanks to domain knowledge possessed by business executives. Naturally, it reduces the need for rework and contributes to the creation of better applications.

Low-Code The HokuApps RAD tools are based on a low code approach. This means that extended periods of writing code by hand is done away with. Instead, developers can put together the features and framework of an app from a visual interface. Cutting out hand coding not only reduces delivery time but also lets developers focus on important issues which would make the app stand out. Not having to write code for the most generic and mundane parts of app creation means that IT personnel can engage in more creative pursuits (planning, experimenting and testing new ideas) on the job. The rapid application development tools increase job satisfaction and help to retain the best talent.

Accelerated App Delivery HokuApps’ rapid application development tools accelerate the final app delivery, which is necessary especially in a time when everyone is racing to be the next big thing and constant connectivity means that opportunities for business growth are plenty. To stay ahead of competitors, HokuApps RAD tools employ a development approach that enables reduction of waste and cycle times. This occurs through the usage of a drag-and-drop visual interface to put the app together, instant testing and deployment. It combines the best features of the best rapid application development tools into a simple interface.

Effective Innovation Pyramid HokuApps’ RAD tools are beneficial not merely at the application level, but for the entire company. Gartner catalogs applications into three types or “layers”, according to their rate of change. These “layers” also determine what measure of focus and finding enterprise devoted to applications. Among these layers, focusing on the top tier, that is, “Systems of Innovation” elicits the highest returns. Like the best RAD tools, HokuApps has designed its rapid application development tools to be ideal for systems requiring experimentation and those that see the highest rate of change. Companies can use these tools to structure their innovation period to focus primarily on “Systems of Innovation”.

Increased Responsiveness to Changing Technology The explosion in device ownership and consumerization of IT has resulted in end-users having substantially high expectations from applications. To satisfy the customers, speed, agility, and scalability must be provided at the lowest possible TCO (total cost of ownership). The proliferation of APIs and other front-end technologies has also left developers with far too many platforms, devices and technologies to create apps for. HokuApps’ rapid application development tools have been created to function swiftly, allowing for accommodation of all these concerns in the era of digital disruptions. With HokuApps’ RAD tools, it must easier to modify apps for various platforms and devices, as well as create iterations and upgrades as necessary.

Wider Involvement of Non-Technical Staff
Since the HokuApps RAD tools serve to automate a large part of the app creation process, individuals do not need to be excessively knowledgeable about multiple programming languages to operate them. They also do not need to have a large measure of technical experience. Simpler, non-complicated parts of the app can be created, updated and modified by non-IT staff if they have been made familiar with the rapid application development tools. This encourages collaboration and engagement between individuals and departments. In addition, it creates better apps because it takes into account the necessities of users who are not technologically proficient.

Unsurprisingly, the above advantages reveal why more companies are typing “What is the best RAD model” into search engines across the globe. Companies cannot participate in digital transformation without deploying easily usable, aesthetically attractive apps that add solid value to a person’s life. The more value it adds, the better the app. The better the rapid application development tools being used to create it, the better the app. The better the app, the better your company.

HokuApps has created its rapid application development tools after extensive research, survey and understands of the application development landscape. These RAD tools respond to what both the enterprise and the customer needs and wants. These RAD application development tools possess features and sensitivities are unique to the creation of both enterprise business applications and customer-driven commercial applications. It qualifies as one of the best RAD tools in the market simply because it can help create the best apps in the market.

Author's Bio: 

Marketing Head At HokuApps. Leading enterprise Rapid Application Development Platform (RAD) environment which builds Fast & Error-Free software to transform businesses digitally.