One of the most important things to work on and maintain when it comes to using the law of attraction and attracting everything you want in your life is your ability to raise and maintain a high vibration. Just as light travels at a certain vibration, as does sound, and everything else in the universe, we must learn to raise our own vibration and keep it up in order to maximize our results with the law of attraction . Here are five tips for getting your vibration up as well as keeping it there.

1. Take the time to visualize every single day about the things you want in your life. Taking time in the morning for at least ten minutes every single day will do wonders for your energy level through out the rest of the day. In today's world it can sometimes be very difficult to deal with the daily stresses and keep our vibrations up. The more you practice visualizing, the better you will get at it. The better you get at it, the more you will be able to take a mini two minute vacation any time during the day that you need to. Learning to get good at visualizing also allows you to attract things to you quicker. The more you are able to put emotion into your visualization, the quicker the things you want will come to you.

2. Learn to pay closer attention to your emotions and when they begin to dip in energy. The better you get at learning to recognize when your vibration and energy is dropping, the quicker you can fix it and keep your energy up. It is much easier to get your vibration back up if it only drops a little bit than it is to get your vibration all the way back to max if you allow it to drop significantly. Learn to monitor your emotions on a regular basis. This is how we navigate and relate to the world anyway. Our emotions are a natural part of our every day experience. Also learn to recognize what things begin to cause what emotions in you. The better you get at this, the better you will get at learning to guard yourself against those things that cause you vibration to drop. Pay close attention to your emotions, and learn ways to pick your vibration and emotions back up as soon as they begin to drop, including a mini-vacation with a two minute visualization.

3. Change the type of music you listen to. Certain types of music effect our vibration in different ways. Typically, most people will listen to the type of music they enjoy the most because they enjoy the vibration that type of music creates within them. Often times though, this type of music doesn't create the type of vibration that will allow them to experience the emotions they need to experience to attract what it is they want to attract. Find the music that creates the vibration inside of you that is in alignment with what it is you are trying to attract to yourself. Very hard rock and rap are horrible types of music for a good vibration. You also don't want to be listening to soft rock or love songs if you are trying to attract money. Though they can put you in a more positive vibration, they are not in alignment with the goal at hand. Evalaute the music you listen to and begin to listen to music that allows you to feel the emotions and vibrations that are in alignment with what it is you are trying to attract.

To read the rest of this article and learn more about how to use the law of attraction in your every day life to realize the kind of life you dream of living, please visit .

Author's Bio: 

Dwayne Gilbert is the founder of and has been helping and inspiring people to realize and create the life of their dreams for over 10 years.He has devoted his life to helping other people realize the freedom they all hold within themselves. To learn more about the law of attraction and how to apply it, visit .