Having a healthy sleep life is vital to maintaining a healthy life overall. When you don't get enough sleep at night, you put yourself at risk for a variety of problems, including many health concerns.

There are also many reasons that you might be struggling to get enough sleep, and finding the cause could help you sleep better. If you aren't sure why you struggle to get enough sleep, try out these proven tips and see if they help.

1) Limit Caffeine in the Evening

There are some great benefits to caffeine, but it can stay in your blood for up to 8 hours after consuming. Since it affects the nervous system , it can make sleep much harder.

Try avoiding coffee or other forms of caffeine for 6-8 hours before bed. If you still end up craving a cup, you can try decaf, but even decaffeinated coffee has some caffeine.

2) Expose Yourself to Bright Light During the Day and Less Light at Night

Light, especially bright light and blue light, play an important role in when our brains are signaled to be alert and when to start winding down.

During the day if you can get outside and be close to the sunlight, it will help you fall asleep at night. On the other side, it's important to limit the amount of blue light you're exposed to before bed.

Since blue light mainly comes off of screens, it helps to turn off the phone, TV, and computer an hour or so before you sleep. You could also change the light settings or get some special glasses that filter out blue light.

3) Optimize Your Bedroom

Light, sound, and even the environment can all play a significant role in how well you sleep. Light from the sun or streetlamps, as well as sound from traffic or other sources, can cause a lot of sleep disruptions.

Making sure your room is dark and quiet should help you sleep better. You could cut out the light with a sleep mask or light-blocking curtains, and you could reduce the noise disturbances with noise-canceling headphones or a white noise machine.

Temperature also affects sleep, so be sure that your bedroom is just the right temperature. Cold feet can make it hard to sleep, but so can an environment that is too warm. Try to keep the temperature around 70 degrees.

Sleep-related gadgets can also be a big help in understanding why you have trouble sleeping and how you could improve sleep. SmartifyLife.com can tell you everything you need to know about these sleep gizmos.

4) Relax Before Bedtime

Some people go right from working, engaging in an argument online, or playing video games to trying to sleep. This makes sleep much more difficult.

Instead, aim to have a routine to help you relax and wind down before bed. This could be meditating, reading, listening to soothing music, deep breathing, or taking a hot bath —whatever works for you.

5) Sleep at Regular Times

Aim to go to sleep and wake up at about the same time every night, even on weekends. This is important because it helps you to be in alignment with your circadian rhythm.

You may also benefit from reducing naps that are either long or irregular, as this can impact your sleep at night. Try to limit your naps to 30 minutes or less, and don't take them too close to when you need to sleep for the night.

Author's Bio: 

Hello, my name is Mohimenul Islam Aman and I am the founder of MonsterWorker.com which is my service company.

I specialize in SEO, branding and offer SEO and GuestPost services to businesses of all sizes around the world. Shoot me a quick email to see how I can help you!

I am completed Bachelor of Social Science (Political Science major) from The Govt. Titumir College (under Dhaka University), Dhaka Bangladesh. I have over 3 years of experience in the SEO field.

Lastly, I like to be surprised and surprise others.
