Do you have underdeveloped or patchy facial hair? Luckily there are plenty of treatments available to make your beard even or grow naturally. Nowadays, it is surprising to see that there are many techniques available for beard transplant in Gurgaon. The accessibility of the treatments is making the trend of undergoing facial hair implants gain popularity in the NCR.

There are several techniques offered by hair restoration clinics for hair growth. However, we are going to discuss the five most popular and top-rated techniques that are widely used for beard transplant in Gurgaon.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

This technique works effectively when it comes to restoring facial hair growth and retaining density. FUE beard transplant in Gurgaon has become extremely demanding as it less invasive and traumatic for the patient. Considered as one of the advanced techniques for beard transplant in Gurgaon, it does not leave scars or any sort of surgery marks on the donor as well as recipient area. Anyone who has genetically thin hair or develops patches due to hormonal changes is ideal to go for FUE.

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant)

Also known as the strip method, FUT works on a conventional approach for restoring facial hair. In this method, the surgeon removes a strip of the skin with healthy hair follicles from the back of the scalp (also known as the donor area). The extracted follicles are then implanted in the facial area that needs to be treated. The FUT technique for beard transplant in Gurgaon is done with extreme precision that does not make the donor area visible and makes the facial hair grow naturally.

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation)

DHI is one of the most advanced techniques available for beard transplant in Gurgaon. It is a minimally invasive procedure in which hair follicles are implanted directly on the affected area. The DHI surgeons use a patented tool – the DHI implanter for perfect precision and control over direction, angle, and depth. Being a minimally invasive procedure, the technique is painless and scar-free with no cuts and stitches required to be made for attaining natural results.

Robotic Hair Transplant

Unlike other methods, the Robotic Hair Transplant is an advanced procedure that is completely automated and does not require critical surgeries. It is performed by using specialized technology and a robotic arm to precisely extract and implant the hair follicles onto the desired area. Robotic treatment for beard transplant in Gurgaon is becoming popular as the process is completely automated and delivers 100% satisfactory results.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Although this therapy is not an implantation technique, it is highly effective in treating a patchy beard. PRP therapy uses the patient’s blood to stimulate healthy hair growth in the desired area. It is known for supplying healthy nutrients into the weak hair follicles that further slow down the hair loss process and grows the beard faster.

The technique used for beard transplant varies from condition to condition. If you consult a good clinic or surgeon for a beard transplant in Gurgaon, it will help in making an informed decision for life.

Author's Bio: 

Assistant General Manager Marketing at DHI India.