True power resides in the present moment. We can tap into the present moment in many ways and it first involves turning off the phones, computers, TV’s and anything that might distract you once you begin. We are so often caught up in the past and reacting from past patterns and behaviors. Tapping into the present moment grants us the ability to assess how we are feeling; what is feeling wonderful? and what is feeling “off”? Presence also grants us the peace of mind we need to be in to receive guidance. As this world keeps moving faster and faster it becomes more and more challenging to get that quiet time. I am happy to offer you five (5) ways to tap into the present moment so you can move forward with clarity and purpose.
1) Gratitude - When we pay gratitude for something in our life (person, thing, animal) we are calling to mind something we love. We are present in that observation and are giving appreciation and love. Thinking of that person, pet or object and imagining how you feel when you are with them; feeling all the emotions they bring to mind and letting yourself just sit in the goodness of that moment is an excellent way to get present. If you wanted to write a thank you, call someone or give extra pets to your pet, that is fine too! Paying gratitude for yourself is also wonderful. Think of five things you love to do or like about yourself and bask in the joy for a few minutes. Gratitude is a sure way to switch your mood quickly AND to put out much more positive energy to the Universe for it to respond to!
2) Feeling Energy - Rub your hands together for 60 seconds rapidly. Now, put them a few inches apart and feel that connection and energy between them. You can play with the energy by moving your hands back and forth or close your eyes and imagine that energy traveling throughout your body. If you like, you can imagine it in a place of your body where you experience discomfort and visualize it bathing that challenging spot with light and healing energy. Know you can always rub your hands together again if that feeling starts to wain. Playing with this energy is a way to bring peace , connectivity and presence into your life in as little as a couple of minutes.
3) Affirmations - Saying and claiming ways that you want to be and feel in your life can bring you to the present moment quickly and allow you to get excited about what you are creating. Our thoughts, words and emotions do contribute to the energy we put out and receive back from the Universe. In taking even a few minutes a day to affirm to ourselves, “I am working on being my best self”, “I am a powerful creator”, “I accept myself as I am”, “I am limitless”, “I am open to receiving guidance” or the countless other affirmations you can come up with. you are bringing yourself to the current moment by claiming what you are. You are also taking that moment to come up with what you want to affirm. A suggestion is to come up with something that won’t meet extreme resistance. Saying “I am a millionaire” if you are in debt might meet a ton more resistance and cause discomfort instead of “I am open to and pursuing more opportunities to bring more money into my life”.
4) Self Love/Gratitude - Coming up with reasons you love yourself and/or paying gratitude for yourself for things you have done that are wonderful - instead of berating yourself for what you feel you might have done wrong - is a strong way to be present and shift your energy. It can be something nice you did or said. It can be the fact that you love to cook, write, are a good listener, or love to dance. Everyone has many gifts and reasons to be grateful for themselves. It is simply that we are not taught to focus there and instead tend to magnify the things we feel we have said or done wrong. This simple exercise brings you to the present moment and a deep sense of self-love and gratitude .
5) Sensory Meditation - There are so many ways to meditate and I don’t feel one works for all people. In my own life, I use many forms of meditation and the sensory meditation is one of the most effortless. For this you first need to turn off all distractions. Bring yourself to the current moment and you can do this with any sense, but the ones I find easiest to tap into are sight or hearing. If you are doing the one for hearing, close your eyes and focus on what you hear. Usually we are only hearing a fraction of what is going on around us. To begin with you might hear traffic, or the wind or if you are inside the whirring of something electronic. As you begin to tune in, you will hear many other sounds as well. If you are outside you might also hear birds, someone talking in the distance, rustling of animals moving around, etc. This has such a calming effect as we are truly tuning into the current moment and opening up that sense more than we usually allow for. This can be done in only a few minutes and can invite such a sense of calm and peace .
In my book, A Short Path to Change, I offer many more tools and exercises to become present. In becoming present, we are connecting to our true selves - usually well hidden by the constant barrage of thoughts that control our day. There is such power in the present moment. In my book I not only teach you how to access the present moment, but how to harness that power to begin to create real change and manifestations. True change does not need to take much time and effort and is always available to us as long as we know we are worthy to take those few minutes a day to create what we want.
Jenny Mannion is originally from NYC and now lives in Upstate NY. In successfully eliminating her symptoms of several chronic diseases in under one month, she found her path to healing. She has since written over 200 articles on healing naturally. She works with clients as a mind/body mentor and healing practitioner using Reconnective Healing. She also reads and clears Akashic Records for people and properties. Most recently, she has authored the book, A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform Your Life which guides readers through 30 very short and easy exercises to transform their lives.