We are all aware of the dangers of smoking and obesity , but what about the other risks that people in the UK unknowingly take with their health on a day to day basis?

1) Couch Potatoes

Lack of exercise now causes as many deaths worldwide as smoking, and the UK is one of the most inactive countries in Europe. A massive 63% of British adults fail to meet the recommended amount of physical activity every week to stay healthy.

Doing just 30 minutes of brisk walking five times a week will dramatically lower your risk of developing heart disease , diabetes, breast cancer and colon cancer.

2) Binge Britain

The health risks of binge drinking are well documented, but many of us are still exceeding the recommended daily intake of alcohol without even realising it. According to Cancer Research UK, nearly 12,500 cancers in the UK each year are caused by alcohol.

Whilst there’s no guaranteed safe level of drinking, the NHS suggests that if you stick within the recommended alcohol limits then the risks of harming your health are low.

3) Skipping Health Checks

Attending health checks is one of the simplest ways of looking after your health, but a recent Bupa survey revealed that almost a third of British women have never been for any type of screening, including cervical smear tests.

Cervical screening can help to prevent around 75% of cervical cancers from developing. With all women in the UK being invited to smear tests from the age of 25, there is no excuse not to get checked out.

4) Working long hours

Britain has some of the longest working hours in Europe, but employees who frequently put in overtime are significantly more likely to suffer heart attacks and strokes.

Experts blame the increased risk on a combination of stress, raised blood pressure and unhealthy diets, so if you are prone to working late try to snack healthily and maintain your levels of physical exercise .

5) Waiting in line for treatment

Your health is your most valuable asset, but NHS queues mean that you might not get treated as quickly as you would like. A recent poll showed that 70% of GPs are now unable to refer a patient for further treatment at least once a month because of rationing in the NHS. Health insurance gives you choice over your healthcare, and may not be as expensive as you think.

Author's Bio: 

Chloe writes on health and insurance for a health insurance comparison and income protection insurance website