Every December it is with great anticipation that we watch the mail for our invitation to the open house at the governor’s mansion. Our mailman becomes our new best friend for a few weeks as he delivers Christmas cards and packages. But we only get one invitation where we get to dress up and shake hands with the governor and his wife. This year we also mingled with the actor Edward Herrmann (We loved him in the North Avenue Irregulars movie).

We are invited not because of our political affiliation but because we are docents through the year at the governor’s mansion. He and his family live on the second floor and we give tours throughout the first floor.

I found out it was not a simple task to dress for the evening. First I changed my blouse, then from one skirt to another and then I changed jackets and jewelry. I tossed everything I took off onto the bed until I was satisfied with what I was wearing. I knew I didn’t want to come home and find a big mess that I would have to clean up before I could go to bed. I quickly cleared the clutter I had made by taking about 30 seconds to hang everything back in their places. (It is surprising how little time this really takes). It was so nice to come home to a bedroom that was clutter free. I started getting ready early so I had time to do this before leaving.

As you know the flu has been going around and we have been cautioned not to shake hands, but instead do a knuckle bump, or an elbow bump and to wash our hands often. As we were chatting in line I teasingly said I had been wondering if there was any way to do this with the governor instead of shaking his hand. Just think of all the people he had been shaking hands with.

A very tall man in front of us who I don’t know turned around and looked down at me and said, “Absolutely not, you make an exception and shake his hand.” He was very uptight so I had to tease him a little about doing the knuckle bump instead; he was not amused. And of course I did shake his hand and the others in the line as well. After they took photos we discretely went to a rest room and washed our hands.

There are so many opportunities in our lives to give in here and there and make clutter instead of organizing clutter as we go. It would have been an easy choice to have left my clothes all over the bed but by taking just a few moments and putting them away I organized clutter in the moment so I didn’t have to face it after coming home from a fun evening.

Have you ever said to yourself just like the man said to me, “I’ll just make an exception this time and not put this where it belongs because I’m in a hurry? Or what does it matter if I don’t put it back right away, I can do it later”. Organizing clutter doesn’t magically happen, by making decisions and acting on them saves frustration, time and energy.

4 tips that work like magic to organize clutter:

1. Make a plan. How will you get where you want to be if you don’t know where you are going? By knowing what you expect and what you want your home to look like will help you to organize clutter.

2. Plan enough time to organize as you go because there are often unexpected things that happen no matter how well we plan. I had no idea I would be changing my outfit completely before going out and that the phone would ring twice. I actually let the answering machine pick up because my goal was to arrive on time. I returned calls later when I had time to chat.

3. After using an item put it away where it belongs-- right then, don’t start a pile of clutter.

4. Have an alternate plan. Life happens so when things don’t go as planned there will be another day to organize clutter and work your plan.

People who seem to be organized organize a little at a time by using these 4 sound tips.

Marilyn, a professional organizer and author is passionate about organizing for women and seniors in clearing clutter from their lives. Her new book "Go Organize!" will be in bookstores Dec 2009. Visit her website http://www.marilynbohn.com .

Author's Bio: 

Marilyn Bohn is the owner of Get it Together Organizing, a business dedicated to developing practical organizing solutions that help individuals and business professionals live clutter-free and productive lives. She is the author of “Go Organize! Conquer Clutter in Three Simple Steps” and is an experienced, enthusiastic public speaker, a member of NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) and the author of hundreds of articles covering various organizing topics.

Marilyn takes the often stressful subject of organizing and breaks it down into a simple, easy to understand system. Her methods are both eye-opening and encouraging! She has a passion for helping others reach their personal goals and living a better, clutter-free life!

Marilyn invites you to discover her one-of-a-kind video workshops and organizing ideas at http://www.marilynbohn.com