KEEP IT IN BALANCE—The phrase moderation is key is often over used, thus I won’t use it. However, it doesn’t matter if we are talking about your money or your diet ; everything has to stay in balance. Our culture is set up to make you “FatNBroke.” You have to have discipline with your spending as well as your diet and exercise program. If you have too many pizza and beers, guess what side of the spectrum you land. I’m not talking about one meal of too many pizza and beers, but too many consecutive days. If we are constantly overspending and overeating, we shouldn’t expect our situation to change.

HAVE A PLAN—In order to keep everything in balance we need to have a plan. Financially speaking, when you get paid next week where is the money going to go? What financial goal are your currently trying to complete? Is it your emergency fund, eliminating debt, retirement or are you allowing the media to tell you how to spend your money? With our health, it is helpful to plan healthy meals, pack healthy snacks, and know of “emergency” healthy choices such has a few slices of turkey and an apple from a deli to get us to our next meal.

KEEP TRACK OF IT ALL—When it comes to the ball and chain of finances, the budget, most people fail with their budget because they don’t implement it. As we track our spending we can compare that to the budget and know how much is left. The same is true with our diet , if we’re aiming at a calorie goal, then it is up to us to keep track of the calories and to stay within our allotment.

IS MY ARM TOO SHORT?—In Numbers 11:23, “The LORD answered Moses, ‘Is the LORD’s arm too short? You will now see whether or now what I say will come true for you.” This is a great reminder that regardless of our physical or financial situation, with Jesus Christ at our side, we can achieve anything. God has a plan for our finances as well as our body, and it is our decision to feed both the way he intended. In today's economy it is important to remember that Jesus controls everything. He is all powerful and if we place our trust in Him then managing our habits , both physically and financially, becomes easier.

WANT TO KNOW MORE?—Contact us at (708) 362-1136

Author's Bio: 

We are a Christian company that focuses on teaching people how to manage God's Money and Body the way it was intended. We are based in the Chicago area and are able to help with a seminar, fair, convention, or one-on-one consultations.