Working at a customer support center is quite a tedious task. As a support agent, you have to deal with a variety of customers. You are supposed to handle customer inquiries as politely as possible, irrespective of your mood. Read on to know the various types of customers encountered at a support center:

Infuriated customers:There are a lot of infuriated customers at a support center. They may be angry due to your higher priced products, bad quality products or poor service. Such customers are literally pissed off and not in a mood of accepting any explanations. In order to calm them down, all you can do is try and figure out the reason for their anger and wait for them to regain composure. Apologize as soon as the things settle a bit. You can also consider offering a solution.

Demanding customers:This type of customers know exactly what they want and do not shy away from demanding the same. Sometimes they may even demand things that you may not be able to deliver. This demanding nature is something that comes from a sense of entitlement. It can be quite difficult to handle such customers as you have to keep figuring out ways as to how to fulfill their demands. The only solution to this problem is to go above and beyond to live up to their expectations. Also, make it a point to communicate the extra effort that you make to fulfill their expectations.

Suspicious customers:This section contains customers who do not trust blindly. They are critical and openly show their mistrust of products and advertising. Even if you jot down an entire product or service explanation in front of them, they will put forward a strong opinion of theirs. Most probably, this opinion is contrary to yours. So, you have to be prepared with reliable information to convince these customers. Strive to invalidate the presumption with facts and proofs so as to clear any sort of misunderstanding.

Muddled customers:All that muddled customers have in their mind is confusion. They tend to seek guidance regarding their purchasing decision. Helping them out can be quite frustrating as they keep switching between different options. What you can do in this case is, give an honest opinion, backed up with relevant data or proof.

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