When it comes to prostatitis, I believe many men feel the same thing: frequent urination, urgency, and endless urination! Indeed, prostatitis is a high incidence of male reproductive diseases, as young as 15 years old, as old as 60 years old may be troubled by the disease. Generally, antibiotics can be used to treat acute prostatitis, while herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is needed to treat chronic prostatitis.

There are many causes of prostatitis, such as alcoholism, irregular work and rest, excessive intercourse, and so on. However, many people think that their occupation causes prostatitis, and more and more people also attribute the disease to an occupational illness!

The bellowing three occupations are more likely to develop prostatitis:

High-risk occupation 1: Professional driver

Due to the impact of driving work, drivers often can not guarantee timely and sufficient drinking water, which often makes the body in a state of mild dehydration, urine concentration, prone to urethritis, cystitis, resulting in prostatitis. Besides, the accompanying symptoms of constipation are not conducive to the health of the prostate.

Because of long-term sitting and suffocating urine, drivers have always been the high incidence of prostate disease. Male friends in daily life, must not have the bad habit of holding urine, usually also to take good care of their prostate.

High-risk occupation 2. White-collar man

Office white-collar workers sit in the office all day facing the computer, often sitting for hours without getting up. Lying for a long time will block the circulation of blood, which is easy to cause pudendal congestion, make prostate congestion, inflammation, and cause prostatitis. Therefore, to keep healthy, we must stand up and do activities after sitting for a long time!

High-risk occupation 3: Sales personnel

Many salespeople often talk business at the table. As a result, they drink a lot and end up suffering from prostatitis. Men's prostate is very sensitive to alcohol, coupled with high alcohol concentration in the blood after drinking alcohol, and the prostate will be swollen, causing discomfort. The body is the capital of the revolution. It's not worth destroying the body for business!

According to statistics, 8 out of 100 men aged 15-60 have prostatitis, which shows that the incidence of prostatitis is very high. Therefore, how to prevent and treat prostatitis has become a vital issue. The high-risk group of prostatitis is sedentary and sedentary. These people have blocked the movement of Qi and blood circulation, which makes the prostate congested, swollen, and inflamed. Doctors recommend that patients with prostate:

1. Do not hold urine: once the bladder is full of urine, you should urinate in time. Holding urine is hugely harmful to the bladder and prostate.

2. Abstinence: do not indulge or abstain from sex. Frequent husband and wife life will make the prostate in a state of hyperemia, to cause prostate enlargement.

3. Adjust life: try to avoid drinking and spicy food. We should eat more fruits and vegetables.

4. Take a warm bath: warm water can relieve the tension between muscles and the prostate gland and relieve the discomfort.

A healthy body is the capital of the revolution. Male friends must pay attention to their health in their daily life. If they feel unwell, they should go to a regular hospital in time for treatment.

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