There is so much hype about 2012, and it’s only going to increase as we move closer to this time. Fear is a big money maker, and there are those who are taking full advantage of this most negative emotion to make big profits, whether it’s through movies, books , the news, etc., and trying to make us believe that we are approaching disaster.

Resist the potential urge to get trapped in the media's building up of fear regarding 2012, and the retelling of disastrous prophecies that are no longer valid. Remember when they did the same thing as we neared the millennium and we woke up on January 1, 2000 and nothing had happened? Again, the prophecies of the old will not and cannot play out. Our earth keeps vibrating at higher and higher levels and thus things that don’t resonate, such as greed and corruption, are falling.

You are the best person to ask whether 2012 is something to fear or something to celebrate. Go inside and ask yourself. Ask your angels to guide you to information of truth, and you will know it when you read it or hear it. Also, ask for signs to show you. Signs showed me and convinced me in so many ways that we will be more than okay through this transition. However, there is nothing more powerful than experiencing it for your self. Just ask the Universe for signs! And empower yourself to be the ears of reason, discernment, and truth.

I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen in 2012, and perhaps no one really does. What I do know is that there are so many things in play that show us that we are heading toward a peaceful world. If we were on the path to destruction why would the indigo and crystal children have incarnated on earth. If we were on the path to destruction why would greed and corruption be in a free fall right now? If we were on the path to destruction, why would there be millions of lightworkers spending all their waking hours leading the way to enlightenment ? Why would the Universe bother with all these good things?

Do I think life will be different? Yes, and it already is. Do I think that we are evolving? Absolutely! I believe that the Mayan calendar which ends on December 21, 2012 reflects not a time of ending, per say, but of transformation and a very new beginning, as some call it “The Golden Age.” This is what we have been waiting for, to create a new way of being on our beloved planet Earth.

Call on miracles and maintain peace in your life. Celebrate the doors of positive change opening while the doors of greed and corruption are closing. Forgive everyone you need to forgive, perhaps including yourself. Send love and positive energy out, and when you find yourself in the grips of a negative situation, find a way to transmute that energy. Watch your reactions to the many challenges present in all our lives these days. Choose to live your life from the inside out, rather than the outside in.

The Law of Attraction is as real and powerful as it always has been, especially during these challenging times. Stay focused on what you want, and not what you don’t want, and resist the urge to succumb to fear. Because remember, the Law of Attraction will deliver manifestations that are a direct result of your thoughts and feelings.

Author's Bio: 

I am the author of the three-time award-winning book, I Can See Clearly Now: How Synchronicity Illuminates Our Lives, published March 2008 by iUniverse. One of my greatest passions is to spread the word about synchronicity (meaningful coincidences) in order to help others recognize this gift in their lives. You can learn more about this book at .

My spiritual path began in October of 1994, when I realized that we are constantly graced with meaningful signs, not mere coincidences, through our relationships, nature, numbers, events--basically all things this world is made up of. In my book I share my twelve-year spiritual odyssey that describes my awareness of these mysterious forces that guide, validate, and help us live our lives. I'm grateful to as another vehicle to share my messages.

I Can See Clearly Now: How Synchronicity Illuminates Our Lives is available on and other online book sites, as well as for order in any bookstore in the world. I also lead workshops about synchronicity and angels, and created the CDs Ask Your Angels for a Message (Meditational) and Feeling Joyful & Abundant in a Changing World (Interactive). Please visit my website for more information at . Check out my radio show at , or my blog which features the "Synchronicity of the Month" at . If you're on Facebook and love synchronicity, please consider joining "Mary Soliel's I Can See Clearly Now ~ Synchronicity Group."

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