There are over 150 million impotent men worldwide and possibly many more who are undiagnosed since they are ashamed to talk about their condition or seek treatment.

“Because, in the past, men have generally been unwilling to talk about their problem or seek treatment, erectile ...There are over 150 million impotent men worldwide and possibly many more who are undiagnosed since they are ashamed to talk about their condition or seek treatment.

“Because, in the past, men have generally been unwilling to talk about their problem or seek treatment, erectile dysfunction has been underreported. Many physicians are not aware of the treatment options, so patients have been either under treated or not treated at all,” said the Minnesota Men’s Health Center (MMHC).

In America alone, 30 million people or 1 in 10 men are impotent, according to the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The NIDDK said over 617, 715 new cases are diagnosed each year or 51,476 per month, 11,879 per week, 1,692 per day, 70 per hour, and 1 per minute.

Impotence – also known as erectile dysfunction or erection difficulty (ED) – is the inability to have an erection and sustain it long enough for sexual intercourse to take place. It is the most common sexual disorder in men that affects all ages.

Experts say it’s normal to experience impotence from time to time. Many factors influence our enjoyment of sex and sexual desires can fluctuate from time to time depending on one’s mood, the time of the day, and one’s needs. However, if the problem persists, it can greatly affect you and your partner. Untreated, ED can prevent you from having a satisfying sex life. Worse, it can ruin relationships and lead to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem , and lack of self-confidence.

“Both partners in a relationship can experience problems when impotence goes untreated. Often failure to communicate and denial of the problem lead to depression, anxiety, and lack of self-esteem for both partners. A tendency to avoid sexual contact can often leave the partner feeling unloved, unattractive and unwanted,” said

There are three degrees of ED. Mild cases are characterized by a successful erection in 7 – 8 out of 10 attempts. In moderate cases, an erection occurs in 4 – 6 out of 10 attempts. In severe cases, there are less than 3 successful erections out of 10 attempts.

In 80 percent of cases, ED is caused by a physical problem or disorder. It may be the result of serious diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease . ED may also follow surgery, especially prostate removal for prostate cancer or pelvic surgery for colon cancer. Low testosterone levels, spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis can likewise lead to ED. Impotence can also be a side effect of blood pressure medications, narcotics, alcohol, and sedatives.

“Smokers have a higher likelihood of erectile dysfunction. Men who smoke more than one pack per day have a 50 percent higher chance of impotency than nonsmokers the same age,” the MMHC said.

If you have ED, don’t suffer in silence. Get the facts about the disease and seek a doctor’s advice for the right treatment. The more you know about the disease, the better your chances of recovery. Treatment options for ED include oral medications, vacuum pumps, injection therapy, and surgical implants.

A safer and less invasive alternative that’s easy to use without side effects is Erectasil. This topical lotion contains powerful ingredients that works directly at the source of the problem to give users an “instant lift” when they need it. Check out today.

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine .