AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. With a tag, it can be added to an Html page.AngularJS extends Html attributes with Directives and binds information to Html with Expressions.

AngularJS Applications
AngularJS modules outline AngularJS applications.AngularJS controllers control AngularJS applications.
The ng-app directive defines the app; the ng-controller directive defines the controller.

AngularJS Extends Html
AngularJS extends Html with ng-directives.
The ng-app directive defines an AngularJS application.
The ng-model directive binds the worth of Html controls (input, select, and text area) to application knowledge.
The ng-bind directive binds application data to the HTML read.

AngularJS Expressions
AngularJS expressions are written within double braces :}.
AngularJS can "output" knowledge specifically wherever the expression is written:

AngularJS Directives
As you've got already seen, AngularJS directives are Html attributes with an ng prefix.
The ng-init directive initializes AngularJS application variables.

Why Learn AngularJS?As a web developer, you’ll need to find out how to use new frameworks on a daily basis. AngularJS may be a full-featured framework that's incredibly common among developers. For single-page applications, the AngularJS framework creates made interactive options for a time period expertise.

It’s friendly to developers and features a supportive and active community. Product designed with AngularJS embraces YouTube Video Manager, The Weather Channel site, many Google products, and Tinder.

Take-Away Skills:Apply your understanding of Html and JavaScript to learn the way to build single-page web applications with this common JavaScript framework. You’ll be introduced to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) programming pattern and obtain an opportunity to create your own application from scratch by the tip of this course

10 Reasons web Developers ought to Learn AngularJS
1. AngularJS offers XAML Developers an area to travel on the net
2. AngularJS allows Massively Parallel Development.
3. AngularJS Helps Developers Manage State.
4. AngularJS Supports Single Page Applications.
5. AngularJS allows a style Development workflow.
6. AngularJS Gets rid of Ritual and Ceremony
7. AngularJS Handles Dependencies
8. AngularJS permits Developers to Express UI Declaratively and reduce aspect Effects
9. AngularJS Embraces dd … Er, Testing
10. AngularJS offers Developers control.

Join AngularJs Course in Bangalore
This course uses AngularJS 1.x. Angular enables you to quickly develop robust, single-page web applications. During this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of the way to get an Angular application that came upon and running. In addition, you’ll get a powerful conceptual summary and foundation in Angular. You’ll be ready to use the information gained from this course to begin your own applications or to simply jump in on existing giant-scale applications.

Version HistoryGoogle released the initial version of AngularJS on Oct twenty, 2010. The primary stable release of AngularJS was on Dec eighteen, 2017 of version 1.6.8. Angular 2.0 unharness occurred on Sept 22, 2014, at the ng-Europe conference. One of the options of Angular 2.0 is dynamic loading.

After a few changes, Angular 4.0 was released on Dec 2016. Angular four is backward compatible with Angular two.0. The HttpClient library is one of the options of Angular four.0. Angular five was released on November 1, 2017. Support for progressive internet apps was one of the improvements in Angular 4.0. Angular six was released in May 2018. The most recent stable version is 6.1.9

Getting Started with Angular
Angular is one of the foremost exciting technologies around. It’s a web framework that’s been adopted by quick-growing start-ups, likewise as giant firms. But, as amazing as Angular is, it's a really steep learning curve!
This course teaches the fundamentals of AngularJS, commonly referred to as Angular one. To learn Angular, please visit us AngularJs Training in Bangalore to get additional details.

What you'll learn
• Angular Application Structure - MVC while not saying MVC
• Templates/Views
• Directives
• Scope
• Controllers
• Basic built-ins
• ng-repeat
• ng-show
• ng-hide
• ng-click
• Requesting data with $http
• Set up Angular and begin using Angular modules and dependency injection
• Construct Angular views and templates by implementing expressions and constitutional directives
• Implement guarantees as a way for process asynchronous tasks
• Build a type in Angular and perform client-side validation.

Author's Bio: 

Knowing the way to use Angular effectively may be a valuable developer ability. However, topics like dependency injection and custom directives build the training curve steep. Whether or not you’re trying to create a full single page application or simply add a small amount of interactivity to an existing web app, TIB Academy has the course for you.