If you're single you probably already know how hard it can be to meet a new love interest. No matter if you live in a small town or a big city, now a days it just seems to be a challenge to meet someone different with whom you click and feel that there is an opportunity for a possible relationship. You've hit the bars, you've gone through the horrors of blind dates and your friends have run out of ideas for you… maybe you've just given up and have decided to sit at home and wait for that special someone to come knocking at your door! Here's a few ideas of new places you can explore and hopefully meet someone interesting:

1. The Park:If you have a park (or parks) close to your workplace or home this could be a potential place to meet your better half. Take your time to take a stroll through the park, read a book, enjoy your lunch break or even walk your dog. Make sure you go during the day (for safety issues) and just head out and have some fun. If you find a bench with a cute-looking individual then share the bench and strike up some conversation. Other than opening up your chances to meet someone new, it's a great break in your day to do something completely out of the ordinary.

2. The market or the mall:Head out to the grocery store or market in the late evening or during the weekend and make it more than just a rush trip to grab a couple of urgent things. If you visit the local mall, make sure you take your time to hit the coffee shop for a little read and a coffee or visit the bookstore and browse your heart out of the place. The great thing about meeting someone this way is that you know that they're probably from your neighbourhood and would have the same interests as you do.

3. Go to class:If you have the free time, try to take a class of your interest, be it cooking , some type of craft, a new language or a new hobby. Look for something that would also appeal to the other sex, this will not only open your chances to meet that special someone, you'll probably make some new likeminded friends along the way.

4. Join the gym:The gym has always been a great place to meet singles whilst you're also working on your health. Make sure you focus on your workouts and on having fun, don't just hang around waiting for someone to cross eyes with, this will certainly not do the trick. Most gyms organize events and get togethers, make sure you involve yourself in all these activities.

5. Throw a party:If you have a great set of friends, throw a little dinner party, or a big one if you wish! You can give it a theme as " singles mixer" or just let your friends know that they all must bring a new friend, someone nobody else knows. Organize the party and ask friends to bring new friends, even the married ones! If your party is a success then make it a monthly event… you never know who you'll get to meet eventually, be it a better half or just some more new friends.

6. The Laundromat:Laundry can become such a hassle, wether you can do it or home or not, venture out and find a new laundromat close to home. Many new laundromats have a small coffee shop and even internet, this gives you the opportunity to hang out and get to meet some new people. A great tip about meeting someone at the laundromat is that you can check their laundry basket, there's a lot you can tell about someone by their laundry!

7. Go on vacation:Whether it may be a small drive down to the beach, a local weekend thing or a flight out, a small winter or summer vacation is a great way to meet new people. Summer flings are a thing of the past, with internet and smart phones today we can kick start any relationship at a distance and then take it from there.

8. Online Dating:Like it or not, online dating has become one of the most successful ways of meeting people. Did you know that 1 out of every 5 singles is currently in a committed relationship with someone they met on a dating site? There are many dating sites to choose from and the best thing is that they all include people just like you who are also out there looking for a long lasting relationship.

9. Visit a Museum:There are many different types of museums in any city, from wax to art, history and even sex! If you have an interest for any of these, make sure you take your time to walk your favorite museum, enjoy it and have some fun. If you ever get to strike up conversation with someone you could possibly like, you'll be sure that you have at least one interest in common!

10. A Bar:Yes I know, I did say a bar! This does not mean that you need to go bar hopping every night, quite the contrary. For example, Monday night football is a great opportunity to hit a local bar with a friend, have some good food and mingle with new people. It's a non "party" atmosphere and it's a great opportunity to see how a love interest behaves, if they have one too many to drink or if they're a sore cranky looser.

Whichever of these that you choose to do, make sure you always smile and just have fun. Don't make any of this a chore, if at any point you give off that "seeking desperately" vibe, you will probably scare away any possibility of meeting someone. Enjoy yourself, love yourself and stay on the lookout for that flirt or that eye contact and take it from there.

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View the original article on SeekSuccess's blog at 10 Best Places to Meet That Special Someone

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