In the last issue, I shared with you a prosperity
affirmation . How is it working for you? Are you
reading it daily as is suggested to do? Are you
reading it and letting the words penetrate deep
into your psyche?

You see, in the 20+ years now that I have been
studying personal development , behavior and
how to turn potential into power, I have come
to clearly understand that wealthy people think
differently than poor people and they do things
that poor minded people won't do. That is, they
have an entirely different way that they look
at themselves and their money.

I'll illustrate my point.

Here is a frightening and yet very sobering
statistic from the Social Security Administration.
If you take any group of 100 people at the start
of their working career and follow them for 40
years until they reach retirement age, here's
what you'll find:

* 1 will be wealthy.
* 4 will be financially secure
* 5 will continue working, not because they want
to but because they have to.
* 36 will be dead.
* 54 will be dead broke - dependent on the meager
Social Security Checks, relatives, friends and
even charity for a minimum standard of living.

That's 5% successful, 95% unsuccessful.What Makes this 5% Different?

Like I said earlier, wealthy people think andact differently than poor people do.

So, each issue I will share with you a few
things that I've discovered about conscious,
wealthy people that you can follow right now
to begin to turn your wealth situation around.
I'll share the concepts with you and then
give you some things to consider or some
exercises to do (wealth actions) immediately
following the wealth idea.

The question is, will you do the wealth actions?
Wealthy people would do them because they are
willing to do the things that others are not
willing to do. They are willing to do the things
that they don't want to do and they are willing
to do the things they are afraid to do.

So begin now to shift your thinking and it willmost assuredly change your life.

So here we go.

Wealth idea # 1

1. Wealthy people never feel uncomfortable
concerning money. It's not because they
already have money either. They don't feel
comfortable about money because they
have it. They have money because they feel
comfortable about money!

Wealth Action # 1.

Think about your relationship to money.

When it comes to money, is it uncomfortable
for you? Is money always puzzling? Do you
just seem to "get by" every month no matter
how hard you work? Is it a constant battle?
How long has the struggle gone on?

Really take some time to ponder those
questions and don't just stop there, think
of more questions on your own.

The point is, that until you get to your core
beliefs about what money represents to you,
you're not going to be wealthy even if you
currently have a lot of money. There is a
big difference between being wealthy and
having a lot of money.

If you are really going to take this on,
it may be difficult and it may be aggravating
and it may be frustrating, but I implore
you to stick with it no matter what. Often
times the truth lies just beyond the
resistance and that's where the ultimate
abundance and true wealth resides as well.

So as not to overwhelm you, that's it for this
issue. May you be blessed beyond belief and may
all of your dreams and your success come true.
And may everything you wish for be the least that
you get.

Until next issue...

To your success,

Darshan G. Shanti - The 24 Hour Champion

Author's Bio: 

Darshan is an expert in human motivation, behavior change and rapid transformation. He is a 20-year veteran in the field of personal and professional development. He is an ontologist, facilitator, trainer, author and transformational speaker. He is the President of Freedom Incorporated, Inc., a revolutionary, innovative company dedicated to supporting organizations and people all over the world to help them to achieve their highest potential.

Darshan has a unique ability to very quickly empower participants to change their own minds about who they are and what's possible for themselves, both now and in the future. When they change their own minds, their change is permanent, leaving them free to make new decisions, take new actions and create new, powerful and fulfilling lives.

From Fortune 100 corporations such as Baxter Pharmaceuticals, to small mom and pop companies, school systems and prison systems, across the United States, he has worked with and inspired over 30,000 people.