THINK TWICE. If I could just offer those two words of such critical importance and mass this month and leave it at that, I would. THINK TWICE. Two words that will have such impact, such life-altering influence that if I could just leave it right exactly there, like I said, I would. But then you’d probably think somebody wordnapped me and you’d get all concerned and act impetuously and impulsively and forget to THINK TWICE at every turn – and, then, I would be to blame for jackin’ your future. Although the instinct is to push past the obstacles and delays of late in order to finally feel some forward movement and momentum (and maybe even a little mojo too!) this is NOT that month. You will need to look back and finally close some doors on the old. So, you know, other windows of opportunity can then open - in April. The kicker is that the Universe might put some plans and projects right under your nose and you might think that you HAVE to move it or lose it. That’s stinkin’ thinkin’ my friend. The only thinkin’ you should be doing this month is the kind you do – TWICE. Yes, yes, there ARE big opportunities out there – HUGE opportunities in fact. But they’re still going to be hanging around in April too. Conditions are cloudy until then. Forecast is double trouble if you don’t – oh for goodness sake, you get it already right?

Now, because I am an Irish lass meself I must share that March will also have a few days filled to the green bowler brim with some mighty good luck and fortunate opportunities that will EVENTUALLY not only improve your whole life but will additionally fulfill some treasured dreams and goals too! But this March is more a month of being offered brilliant ideas that will gain traction and stultifying success in the future than actually asking you to act on them. April brings energy and determination and fresh starts. March brings chomping at the bit. While you’re chomping and chomping, THINK TWICE.

And speaking of the number 2, the all important monthly unemployment numbers won’t be out before I put this newsletter to bed since they are due on Friday, March 2 - so hard to say what the markets will think about them but I can say that the following day the Sun will be spitting right in the face of aggressive and irritated Mars, two hot under the collar planets potentially putting a tip top in place capping the recent DOW enthusiastic and upward movement. In fact tensions both globally and personally will be rising the first few days of March along with the rising price of crude - all contributing to some serious financial worries as well. ALL that said, we are in an election year and the planets are predicating higher prices, particularly after March 7 until a well established top is formed anywhere between August of this year and June of next. Hold long. Hold on. And keep an eye on Iran. Duh.

MARCH 3 Uh oh, month starts off with a bit of heat as the Sun opposes retrograding Mars causing a choice between compromise or conflict and resolution over real life bullshit drama. CHOOSE wisely. And well. And drink some calming ginger tea too. Speaking of calm – all the day long, whenever you can consciously inhale, breathe in the word ‘ peace .’ Breathe it out too. Eat it. Drink it. Swallow it. Place it in your heart. That way the conflict and the drama will slide right off while leaving peace -full you all alone. Or you can say the secret prayer that author J. Cornug found when researching ancient and powerful sacred texts: “Labbiel, Labbiel, Labbiel. I call forth truth and peace in my world now and continuously.” Okay, NOW you’re good to go! Can somebody give me an ‘Amen!’

MARCH 4 Venus opposing Saturn so all work and no play will make you – HAPPY! No kidding. No fooling. Literally. Nose to the grindstone today will make you sharper and way more respected/recognized/rewarded in the immediate future. Having a quartz crystal around – hanging over your head or over the top of your computer especially – enhances personal power. It’s ALL good.

MARCH 5 Venus enters Taurus while Mercury the Messenger whispers sweet somethings to electric, unpredictable Uranus. Ideas and inspirations come flying out of the blue. Or you can consciously connect with this cosmic quilt of imagination by burning some sandalwood incense and asking for inspiration . That’ll work too. Either way, take the time to cultivate new ideas, they’re gonna be HUGE!

MARCH 6 Venus is sexy – sexy – sextiling Neptune. Go and get your glam on. SPA DAY! OR you can get really woo woo and use a magical mantra to make everyone go “whooooo hoooooo.” Taoist secrets from The Dharani Sutra say that if you recite the following mantra over a flask of water SEVEN times and then wash your face with the blessed water, all persons will delight in your countenance. You can also recite this same mantra 108 times over make-up for that exact same WOWZA effect: “ NAMO BHAGAVATE USNISAYA DHARE DHARANTIYE SVAHA.” Now, c’mon, where else are you going to find information like that??????

MARCH 8 FULL MOON in Virgo. Shine a light on your closet and start to shed some light and some weight. Give clothes and accessories away and make room for all the new that’s heading your way. That would be in April. The organizing should begin now.

MARCH 12 Mercury the Messenger joining Mars in retrograde. Staying there until April 4. But offset, well, slightly at least, by Jupiter trine Pluto today too! Now there’s some kind of conundrum. See, today is possibly the SINGLE BEST DAY OF THIS WHOLE YEAR to engage in any sort of financial chatter but, with Mercury retro you can’t sign anything. Just yet. Doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t draw a green dollar bill symbol on the palm of your left hand and leave it there all day though. Nope, doesn’t mean that at all!

MARCH 13 Venus trine Pluto and all’s right with the world – especially the one involving clients. Breathe. Collective sigh of relief as wallets are opening and generosity is in the air. Put a one gold coin in each of the four corners of your dining room and leave them there for AT LEAST nine days. Let’s get money flowing and filling you ALL up!

MARCH 14 SUPER STELLAR DAY is here! SUPER STELLAR DAY is here! And it’s bound to be one of the best days of this entire year. So I shared a secret cure that I usually reserve for private clients and paid reports alike. Because this day is THAT special. But, well, you know you can only get that info if you are a subscriber to my free monthly newsletter. THEN YOU TOO ARE ONE OF THE EMPOWERED (and soon to be BIG BLESSED!) ELITE! Sign up here:

MARCH 17 Coming soon to lucky you – my latest report CHANGE YOUR LUCK, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Keep eyes and ears open for more info on how to do both in one fell swoop. In the meantime, come on over to the Facebook page today ( ) to MAKE THIS YOUR LUCKY DAY!

MARCH 18 Mercury the Messenger, still in retrograde but conjunct Uranus just the same. Another day that’s chock full of inspiration and BIG (read: BIG!!) ideas. I smell brilliance in the air. As long as I smell sandalwood incense connecting you to it too! Thoughts might go up in smoke but the big idea is here to stay. Keep a pen handy. A red one.

MARCH 20 Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox has sprung into action setting the tone for the explosive energies lighting up the rest of the season. Passions and possibilities. Fate and freedom. Come one, come all. Oh, and, come out, come out wherever you are iris and magnolia. In fact, the magnolia should be somewhere by your front door. Blooms blessings. For this season only. Spring into action and put a magnolia at the entry. Good stuff.

MARCH 24 Sun brightening brilliant Uranus. Once again the creativity in the air is off the hook. Locate the ‘Children/ Creativity ’ area of your main floor and play music there. Dance there. Ring a bell there. Hang a metal windchime there. Put an image of a rainbow there. Come one. Do all. Just do something to recognize and appreciate your own creativity and then be prepared to experience and avalanche of same!

MARCH 29 Boo. Hiss. Sun squaring off against a persnickety Pluto. Boo. Scary. Authority figures prominently in today’s equation while prominent authority figures are on the hunt. HIDE. Period. Down low kids or don’t say I didn’t warn you. And wear white. It deflects.

Author's Bio: 

Ellen Whitehurst is a Lifestylist and Ultimate Health and Wellness expert as well as the author of the bestselling MAKE THIS YOUR LUCKY DAY (Random House, 2008.) Ellen is recognized as the country’s premier expert in Feng Shui and other empowering modalities. A former monthly columnist for both ‘Redbook’ and ‘Seventeen’ magazines, Ellen is also a recurrent contributor to The Huffington Post and John Edward’s among others.

Ellen is also the newest Health and Wellness expert for She has two bestsellers on the Top Ten course list at and can be found offering her own hugely popular hybrid of Feng Shui and Astrology (called ‘Shuistrology’) right here on her website.

Whitehurst is a recurrent radio and television guest and is currently working on her own reality television show called ‘Cookin’ Up The Good Life with Ellen Whitehurst.’ Join with thousands of others and check out her daily musings and easy, empowering advice on her Facebook page.