R & B singer Jimmy sang from his Soul when once upon a time he offered that “if you want to be happy for the rest of your life. Never make a pretty woman your wife.” Well, I don’t know about that but I do know that October can bring some ugly relationship energies to the fore no matter what your partner looks like. As my dear old Da used to say, “it’s not what you say Ellen, it’s HOW you say it.” I’m now passing that excellent (especially for October) advice on to you. Believe you me, you’ll thank me when all that natural charm of yours isn’t even making a dent. Tempers might not be the only thing flaring this month either. The ones coming from the Sun has Harold Camping and crew all Rapt up in yet another call for Judgement Day. On October 21. Speaking of judgment, that should go out the window with all that aforementioned sarcasm and THEN, yes, THEN all will be well! And all WILL be well. Really. Soon.

So am I saying that this month heralds the end of the dark before a very welcome breaking dawn? Yup. When? Soon, I promise, soon! Tension takes a break around the same time that lil vampires and witches roam the suburban streets and, then, it turns tail and all but disappears next month. Persevere people, we’re almost out of the proverbial woods – you know the ones right? The ones that you’ll be going over the river and through so that granny can bake you a Thanksgiving pie? By the time you’re taking that trip you’ll barely remember having to hunker down and make some hard choices in October. Easy for me to say. I know. But I also know this: the end times ARE near. At least the ones that have been battering us lately. Look for sweet relief to be served up alongside the turkey and stuffing. Until then, an attitude of gratitude for every lesson learned goes a long way to making sure you never have to experience any of ‘em again. Just sayin’ ……

Now, speaking of being in the woods, I still expect to find Lions and Tigers and BEARS causing all sorts of chaos and ridiculous swings in the Dow (and the dollar) through both resistance and support, respectively, until October 7. This is the day that generous and expansive Jupiter heads into a stock market supportive retrograde and can gift the buyer with a potential 10% profit off the lows of the last down move. If I were a betting girl I’d be getting a bit excited about being long into the end of October. Good as gold, although, don’t know how much longer gold’s gonna be that good either. We’re still in a longer term bearish stock cycle but as long as relief is being doled out on the personal end why not enjoy some on the trading side as well? Why not indeed!

OCTOBER 2 ……… Mars is manic today and squaring off against normally joyful Jupiter. All the rest of us will want to engage in some serious retail therapy just to feel better. Since the urge to splurge will be an irresistible force, I suggest you get the energies flowing in your ABUNDANCE area before you hit the shops. Locate that same WEALTH area in your living space and place a healthy green plant there. Wrap three coins (faux Chinese or gold one dollar coins are the currency of choice) individually in red tissue paper and bury them in the dirt of the plant so you can grow mo money! A bloomin’ good idea!

OCTOBER 6 ……… Mercury the Messenger is conjunct restrictive Saturn. Spend some serious time thinking twice before entering any agreement today, contractual or not. Do ALL your due diligence and arm yourself with all the appropriate advice you can. You can easily receive all the help you need simply by putting any problem in your mind’s eye and then visualizing the faces of five people (living or dead) or can assist you. See them helping you to activate and achieve your goals and giving you their opinions and advice too. You can do this every night for nine nights before going to sleep and wake up with a team supporting your every move! GO YOU GO!

OCTOBER 7 ………. Gmar Hatima Tova to everyone atoning today, Yom Kippur. With a magical and lovely Venus and Neptune trine, relationships of all kinds will also be on your mind. Put a cluster of crystals in the LOVE/ROMANCE/RELATIONSHIP area of your bedroom and shine a bright light on them for at least three hours for at least three days. Now you’re almost as smooth as today’s energies promise to be!

OCTOBER 10 ……… HAPPY THANKSGIVING CANADA! With Moon in Aries complementing ‘Columbus Day’ energies your itchy feet may just have been bitten by a travel bug. Get away if only for the day. Oh, go ahead. Just do it. And when you come home let Ellen take you away by adding marigolds to your bath. This secret Shui is said to restore the soul and is also added for additional peace , good fortune and harmony of the body, mind and spirit.

OCTOBER 11 ……… This frustrating Full Moon might mean some realigning or readjustment where relationships are concerned. Want to avoid poopy partnering energies and find that Happily Ever After? Come check out the advice I’ll be offering on the Facebook page all the day long today. It will be well worth the drive-by and can really rev your relationships too! www.facebook.com/EllenWhitehurst

OCTOBER 12 ……… Mercury the Messenger is trine Neptune making this a magnificent day to brainstorm away. Ideas and inspirations will seemingly come out of nowhere but you should collaborate with colleagues in order to make them real. Because with Venus sextile Pluto on the same day not only will your ideas be embraced but someone special will also want to invest in them. Money, time, energy, support. For the first part of this advice you can burn some sandalwood incense to open up the vortex of inspiration , for the second part, play classical music in your HELPFUL PEOPLE area. You might march to the beat of a different drummer but someone influential wants to help you get attuned.

OCTOBER 13 ……… Mercury enters Scorpio and the Sun conjuncts Saturn. Blech! Keywords attached to today’s energies: Serious. Sober. Somber. Shitty. Okay, I added that last one myself since I’ll more than likely be taking ‘sober’ off the list. This is a day when harsh reality hits you over the head and stares at you in the face and brings you to your knees and – okay, okay, you get it. Stay centered and stay peaceful and stay away from the fray (and the madding crowd as well!) Then, at the end of the day, go to a room by yourself and shake your entire body as if you were a dog shaking water of its coat. SHAKE HARD. Then brush your fingers over your body as if you were removing a web. Begin at the top of your head and work your way down to the feet. Wash your hands under cold eater after that and allow the water to pour all the way to the elbows. Now, cleanse again but this time work from your head to your feet as if you were peeling some Spanx off. Wash hands again. Negative emotions and frustrations will magically disappear. You don’t even need a top hat, rabbit or wand either. All you need to do is shake your groove thing. Now, don’t you feel all back in the groove? Groovy!

OCTOBER 14 ……… Uh oh, deja BOO all over again! Venus opposing Jupiter so that loan you were hoping to get or that raise you think you deserve or …..or…..financial news won’t be what you were hoping to hear! Unless, of course, you have a figure in mind of some amount you’d like to see coming to you and you’ve written that in red ink on four separate index cards. Then, if you placed each of those cards in these spaces, respectively; your bedside table, on the mirror in your bathroom, on the front of a cabinet or the ‘fridge in your kitchen and, lastly, somewhere on your desk. Leave them for at least 49 days. Well, now, if you’ve done that than just skip what I said before about today and immediately pass GO!

OCTOBER 16 ……… Mercury the Messenger’s hooking up with powerful Pluto and that’s good news for all the rest of us. In fact, ‘news’ is the emphasis of the day. Follow your instincts and trust your gut hunches and tap into your own intuition because there’s some new news you need to hear just waiting for your attention. And then say this all the day and night long (from Florence Shinn, of course!) “Infinite Spirit, don’t let me miss a trick.” Magical.

OCTOBER 17 ……… Mercury opposing Jupiter isn’t as bad as it sounds. In fact, these energies often proceed other helpful and financial advice. So give these guys a hand, but, before you do that, locate the WEALTH area in the main floor of your living space. Standing in that same place CLAP your hands, loudly, nine times. Three times over the top of your head, three times in front of your heart area and three times down in front of your calves. This clapping out the energies will disperse any negativity and allow for all the fine financial advice this day can bring. Bring it!

OCTOBER 21 ……… Sun trines Neptune means creative ideas flourish during the day and, then, they take some sizzling shape at night as well. Two words – ylang/ylang. This is oil is essential to creating the most sexy scentual environment you can. Two drops on red sheets and OH BABY! Accent on the ‘O.’

OCTOBER 26 …….. New Moon in Scorpio while Mars sextiles Saturn. Strategy. Organization. Discipline. Then Venus aligns with Mars and Saturn and this triad allows you to face … and, then……release…..a fear. Feel free to face and release. No, really, FEEL. FREE. Sit up straight and lean slightly back. Tilt you head slightly back as well. Breathe in the the light of the Sun. Big breath through the mouth as you visualize that golden light coming straight in through the top of your head and let it wash all throughout your body and being bringing you a golden glow. Now, exhale in nine short staccato puffs and see that exhalation leaving your body as a dark smoky energy. Release the fear. Feel. Free. Because, now, you are.

OCTOBER 28 ……… No tricks. Just treats! Creamy good and full size treats! It’s October’s SUPER DUPER STELLAR DAY! You won’t want to miss all the success drenched spooktacular energies today has to offer. And you won’t if you are signed up to the free monthly newsletter because you know that’s the only way to get his info! Do it now and don’t ever be without your Super and Stellar information again! www.ellenwhitehurst.com

Author's Bio: 

Ellen Whitehurst is a Lifestylist and Ultimate Health and Wellness expert as well as the author of the bestselling MAKE THIS YOUR LUCKY DAY (Random House, 2008.) Ellen is recognized as the country’s premier expert in Feng Shui and other empowering modalities. A former monthly columnist for both ‘Redbook’ and ‘Seventeen’ magazines, Ellen is also a recurrent contributor to The Huffington Post and John Edward’s InfiniteQuest.com among others.

Ellen is also the newest Health and Wellness expert for DoctorOz.com. She has two bestsellers on the Top Ten course list at DailyOM.com and can be found offering her own hugely popular hybrid of Feng Shui and Astrology (called ‘Shuistrology’) right here on her website.

Whitehurst is a recurrent radio and television guest and is currently working on her own reality television show called ‘Cookin’ Up The Good Life with Ellen Whitehurst.’ Join with thousands of others and check out her daily musings and easy, empowering advice on her Facebook page.