November is the month of happiness . Feel the festive mode in air and let your hair down for the party. There is a room for spiritual improvement in life as this month actually mix of material and divine worlds.

AriesWhen it comes to starting new relationships, friendships, and spending money do your homework and be aware aof all the process and cons of the decisiions youre making.

TaurusAs patient as you can be at times, dont wait for things to happen. You have to know when to take charge because your life shouldn't have to depend on anything other than what you deserve.

You get tired of always trying to be the one to fix thingsbecause the other person refuses to speak up.You'd rather
discuss the issue once and then be done with it.

CancerLately your savage and wild temperment ways will shock this who thought they could test you and get away with it.

Take a chance on the road less traveled being afraid of the
outcome. If you don't take these chances then you'll become fearful and stuck never wanting to try anything new.

VirgoStay away from those who try to control your thoughts by acting like they know everything that's going on with your life.

ScorpioYou were patient until you could not do it anymore.There were situations when you did too much because you didn't wan't to let anyone down.

Take a leap of faith and make the most of your abilites. All the answers you need are within yourself.

CapricornThings are processing so you need to investigate more than one path to follow.

Things are getting out of control and you need to pull it
together or face complete chaos.

PiscesDon't gamble with your luck. Now it the time to put things on hold until you can get a better perspective.

November is for every one if you are intrested to read more about astrology and spirituality follow the blog regularly.

Author's Bio: 

Sri Tulasi is a professional astrologer, life coach and member of the Indian Astrologers Council. She has more than 15 year’s practical experience in astrology. She is a regular columnist in many leading newspapers in India.