So, you made an offer…

You put your life’s work out there…

With baited breath, you waited for the response from your people…

And there was nothing…

A few likes…

Even a solid heart!

But overall, no one actually puts their money down…

And you wonder what on earth you have done wrong…


You have a product, a program, a ministry, something that you have sold and everything seems to be going hunky-dory until one day, one of your trusted peeps suddenly pulls out…

And you wonder what on earth you have done wrong…


You have built a mailing list with a rocking lead magnet…

And then you send out an wmail that you lovingly put together…

And someone sends you an email telling you that your approach is all wrong…

And they unsubscribe…

And you wonder what on earth you have done wrong…Leader, is it even about you?

Well, I can see that you think it is because…

Slowly but surely, you stop doing the work …

You stop showing up confidently…

You tweak your marketing approach based on what one person has said or done…

And the twinkle goes out of your eye and why?!

Because you decided that THEIR actions had some bearing on YOUR actions…

But this is the thing…

If you are really honest with yourself…

Even before all the above happened, you kinda already thought that it could not work…

You already thought that your offering was nonsensical (even though it is not!)

You thought it was too good to be true that anyone would buy it…

You wondered how long before someone would see you for the fraud that you are…

You wondered if your higher power even wanted you to be in this business/ministry as you had not had the voice from heaven clearly stating that you should move…

You wondered if you were allowed to ask people to pay you to do your best work…

You wondered if you were too mercenary and unworthy to make money doing work you loved…

You even wondered what would happen if people did buy into your offer and you got rich then which family member would you have to appease so that they were not jealous of you…

And you wondered why you did not just go back to work and stop pretending to be this entrepreneur that anyone can see you are not…

Yes, leader, all of that nonsense was already going on in your head…

And so when the events happened, you DID think it was about you!

That they were just confirming what you already knew to be true…

But was it EVER true, Leader?

Or even EVER about you?!

Maybe, just maybe, they have issues that have absolutely nothing to do with you and you just need to believe enough in yourself to stay on track and do the work you are born to do!

Just a thought!

And while you were getting all into your head about how unworthy you are, you were not helping the people you are called to serve to stay on track and get the results you want them to get. You made it all about you, leader and you just need to stop doing that.

Leader, manage your underlying beliefs about what you can or cannot do because even now, they are controlling you and determining the results you are getting…

And this is how I can help you do exactly that…

The 5Cs for online business profits ( begins on the 23rd and here is your invitation.

Work with me for 5 weeks to build a $5k Plus Business & Be The Unleashed, Charismatic Leader You Are BORN To Be, Attracting Customers, Clients, Recruits More Easily Than Ever Before!

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online