Your current resume is not working. You’re not getting enough—or the right type of— interviews from your current resume for jobs you’re interested in and qualified for.
Someone requested your current resume—and you don’t have one. You’re contacted by a recruiter or a prospective employer for a current resume and you have never had one or yours is out of date.
You’re in the market for a career change . Especially if you’re not sure about how to position transferable skills and experience.
You need a resume that stands out. Pursing a position in a highly competitive field like pharmaceutical sales or sports promotion? You’re going to need a resume that’s a cut above.
You want to post your resume online. You will need a resume with the right keywords in it to make sure it gets pulled up and it also needs to be in the right format—ASCII, also called a text resume.
You’re unsure of your market worth. If you’ve been at your current company for a long time and have lost touch with your “value.”
You don’t have time. You have better things to do than try to figure out which resume format is appropriate, how to craft a efficient resume strategy, what do employers in your niche want, or how to layout a resume.
You’re in a rut. Stuck in a position and need something dramatic and different to get unstuck. This is particularly important if your salary is stagnant.)
You’re too modest. You find it hard to identify and quantify your accomplishments in a way that will address “employer buying motivators.” It can be helpful for a third-party to express what a great find you are.
You’ve only worked for yourself and are looking for your first job after self-employment. The jack-of-all trades approach can be daunting for prospective employers. A professional resume writer can help you target your core skills.
You’re re-entering the job market after an absence. Don’t know how to account for that “lost” time on a resume? Unsure which of your skills will be most attractive to employers?You want to look good “on paper” and who people you’re worth that six-figure salary. If you’re good at what you do, your resume should reflect that.
Here’s a little secret — experience, training, and industry certifications are all nice things to look for when selecting a professional resume writer and/or career coach (and I have all three), but what matters most is quality, professionalism, and results.
I have 20+ years of proven industry experience and thousands of satisfied clients who have gotten outstanding results from using my professional resume writing and career coaching service.
To get additional information about my resume writing services, go to