Man, sex is such a beautiful thing…

Such a pleasurable feeling…

Such a powerful sensation…

And most leaders, especially the more spiritual types (or maybe I should say, religious types), do not speak of it…

Well, in most cases, they do not speak of it because they are not having amazing sex…

And if they are having amazing sex then they kinda think it should be all hidden and dark and shameful…

When it is such a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL thing!

It is literally one of our super-powers as human beings…

And it was created into our make-up…

By the very creator that we feel judges us for it…

How crazy is that and yet, it is what I believed for the longest, LONGEST time!

I believed I was supposed to just put up with it and in fact, some of my more spiritual leaders suggested that I should feel that way as well…

We talked about it but in hushed tones and as though women specifically were just supposed to lie there and put up with whatever your male partner needed in order to feel loved…

And of course, then you were supposed to make dinner and iron his shirts and all of that crazy stuff…

Thankfully, not many people think that way anymore (not that this was all that long ago!)…

Or do they?

Is there still shame associated with sex?

Is there still a vague sense of guilt when you enjoy it?

Are there still people trying hard to legislate what you are allowed to do with your own body?

Yep, there are!

Maybe you are one of them because really deep down inside, you don’t feel it is okay to enjoy having sex?

To be completely naked in front of another soul…

To be that vulnerable…

And so then you come into the marketplace, all stiff and proper and you wonder why you get no results…

Aaaah, you did not quite see that coming, did you?

But, leader, how you do anything is how you do everything!

So, if you are stiff and stilted in your sex life, it goes to reason that you will be stiff and stilted in your business too…

And people do not respond to stiff and stilted…

They get all stiff and stilted too and they do not pull out their wallets when they feel that way…

No, they do not.

They want to feel your energy…

They want to feel emotional…

They want to be excited…

They need you to be charismatic, sexy, bold…

So that they feel drawn to all that lovely energy coming their way…

You want to win?

Get your sex life sorted!

I mean, seriously, you have read the books , watched the movies and you have felt there must be more to this sex thing than you are experiencing, right?


Why can you not have like the most amazing sex life ever?

Why can you not go through the day looking forward to all that pleasure coming at you when you connect with your partner…

Or even… when you pleasure yourself?!

It is stress relieving…

It raises your creativity

It makes you feel powerful…

It makes you charismatic…

It makes you take better care of yourself…

It even connects you more intimately with your higher power and I really do mean that! (though you may have been taught the opposite!)

Honey, as you go about creating your ‘Because I want to’ life, do not disregard this area of life…

Own it fully…

Step into it fully…

Be fully cleared and healed in all areas and watch your income rise…

Watch your impact increase as well…

Sex is power and you have access to it…

Why would you settle for less than everything you can have?

Especially when it can be sooooo good!

I know you may have real reasons…

Real horrid tough reasons for why you struggle in this area…

But honey, it is time to be complete!

Complete in all areas of life!

To be healed of the negative consequences of your story so that your present and future can be more expansive, abundant and rich than your past.

Leader, it is time…

And start here with me in PRAY. AFFIRM. RECEIVE ( )where we will explore using every power accessible to you to get every single thing you want.

Because why the heck not?

Why settle for less than a full, expanded life?


You want the money, the meaning, the mission, the impact, the sex, the spiritual intimacy , the love, the work you adore doing, the freedom!

So why not allow yourself to have it all?

PRAY. AFFIRM. RECEIVE ( /) is where it all begins.

JOin in now and start the fight for the deliberate design of the life you are born to live!

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online