Do you have trouble producing high-quality video content? Not sure how to make advantage of your mobile phone for marketing purposes? Ben Beck presents InShot, a fantastic tool that allows you to quickly and simply create video for your content marketing requirements.

We are all aware that video editing requires a significant amount of time. Video is a significant bottleneck in the content production process for the majority of companies.

Strangely enough, it seems that those videos that have the most potential to become viral are those that aren't overly-produced or polished and instead appear to be...well, genuine. After all, we live in a time and place where the trust factor and organic production are important considerations.

In this post, we'll talk about how to strike a balance between professionally produced films and videos shot on a mobile device in a tasteful manner, how business requirements vary, and how a company may be able to lower the barriers to video content production by using an app like InShot. In addition, we will offer a short tutorial on how to utilise InShot for video content production on mobile devices.

The difficulties in creating video content are genuine.

All of us are familiar with the abundance of applications available to assist professional marketers, companies, and entrepreneurs in the creation of content. It used to be that the finest technologies were only accessible to and oriented toward big corporations or organisations; now, a growing number of small firms, government agencies, and individuals are starting to take use of them. And, when used properly, they may be very beneficial to the growth of a company.

Furthermore, more than 52 percent of professional marketers think that video content is essential to the success of their content marketing campaigns. Product and/or service demonstrations, as well as the telling of company tales, may all be accomplished via video production.

Many companies face a variety of difficulties when it comes to high-quality video production and editing, despite the fact that it has shown success and tremendous promise. Budget is, without a doubt, a major obstacle; nevertheless, experience, resources, and the actual production process for producing high-quality films are all significant obstacles to overcome.

A big production team utilising top-of-the-line video cameras and equipment, ideal lighting, and immaculate sound and voice-over effects come to mind when we think of high-quality video production. However, high-quality video production is more than that. The reality is that this level of video production is impractical and out of reach for the majority of small and medium-sized companies.

When it comes to video production and editing, what seems to be more practical today: spending a whole day in a recording studio or 10 minutes on a phone or other portable electronic gadget?

Of course, the majority of marketers and companies will choose to use a phone or a mobile device instead. The main drawback is that, depending on the user or mobile device, video quality may be suboptimal at times. Therefore, companies struggle to strike the right balance between producing a polished film that seems to have been professionally produced while still utilising a mobile device to do business.

InShot, on the other hand, may finally offer companies with a solution that combines the best of both worlds: it is a hybrid solution.

What exactly is InShot?

InShot is a video production and editing programme that is completely unique and innovative. It enables users to make high-quality, 360-degree movies using their smartphones, which they can then post on social networking platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.

InShot provides a comprehensive set of video editing tools , which includes the following features:

  • Video splitting is an option.
  • Video cropping and resizing
  • Putting video snippets together
  • Adding pictures or graphics to a document
  • Using a variety of filtering effects
  • Including background music or sound effects
  • Including voice-over effects in your video
  • Adding animations, stickers, and text to movies is another option.

Getting Started with InShot: A Quick Guide

In case you're interested in giving this video-making software a try, here's a short tutorial on how to get started:

1. Install the app on your device.

The first step is to download the InShot software from either the Apple Store or Google Play store, depending on your device. InShot is a mobile application that is available for iOS and Android. It's as simple as going to your app store and downloading the InShot app for nothing.

2: Importing and editing video and picture files

When you first use the InShot app after downloading and installing it, you will be asked to select between two options: import pictures and videos or edit photographs and videos. You may also choose the “home” screen from the menu.

Select a picture or video from your phone's gallery to use as a test for the InShot app. When the import process is complete, you will be presented with the opportunity to modify your picture or video. You may edit it by cropping it, trimming it, adding a backdrop, or experimenting with other visual and sound effects.

There is more to the InShot app than the basic video editing tools and capabilities that are adequate for the majority of consumers and companies.

3. Add sound and music to the mix.

Having completed making basic changes to your picture or video, the following page will ask you whether you want to add sound effects, voice-over effects, or music to your creation. InShot gives you the choice to either import a song from your device's music library or choose a song from the app's own music library.

You may adjust the level and intensity of the voice-over and music once you have chosen your sound and music. This allows you to get the ideal balance between the two.

4. Fill up the blanks with text.

The following page enables you to edit the text in your video after you've finished making it look and sound even better than it did before you started. You have the option of writing your content in a variety of font styles and colour schemes. After that, you may drag the text about on the video or on the screen to get it in the appropriate position. The text in your movie may appear and vanish at certain periods, which you can control by selecting start and finish timings.

5. Make it more personal by adding animations and stickers.

Emojis were just the beginning; however, in the age of mobile devices, emojis have developed into animated GIFs and themed stickers in addition to their traditional form. InShot enables you to customise your films by adding unique animations and stickers for a more fun and personal touch.

6. Make a decision on a resolution.

As previously said, one of the difficulties in creating and editing videos on a mobile device is the lack of visual quality. InShot, on the other hand, enables customers to customise the video resolution to meet their specific requirements.

You may, for example, save your movie in 480p, 720p, or even 1080p resolution. Following the selection of your video resolution, your video will be watermarked; however, this may be erased prior to publishing or sharing your video on social media platforms.

7. Save and share your work.

Once you have done editing your picture or video, just press the "Save" button in the InShot app to save your work. This initiates the rendering process, which may take several minutes to complete. It will be stored and made available in your InShot gallery after the rendering and conversion procedures have been completed.

The finished video may then be selected from your collection and shared or streamed straight to your social media networks when you are ready. To post your video on Instagram, InShot will enable you to choose hashtags and will even recommend some default hashtags depending on the content of the video.

Please keep in mind that InShot does include advertisements. (After all, the software is completely free...) They do not, however, interfere with or interfere with your ability to edit and produce videos in anyway.

Author's Bio: 

I am digital content writer