Yoga Poses – Directions. Benefits and Dangers of Certain Poses.

Forward Bends.

Directions: Stand both feet firmly on the ground. Bend both arms forward and then clasp behind and up in the air.

Benefits: Forward bends are calming, they also provide a nice stretch for the hamstrings as well as a nice opening for the shoulders.

Caution/Dangers: Those with high blood pressure conditions that are not taking medication should not do forward bends. 3rd Trimester pregnant women will probably not be able to bend down very far. Those with shoulder injuries should not try to hyperextend the shoulders. All should keep shoulders soft in pose and let shoulders blades slide down the back to give more of an opening.

My Personal Experience: I feel calmed when forward bending and also slightly disoriented as I start to come up in the pose. It is helpful to come out of the pose very slowly, one vertebrate at a time, letting the head come up last.

Forward bend with out a shoulder opening.

Directions: Stand both feet firmly on the ground. Bend both arms forward. Keep knees soft.

Benefits: Forward bends are calming to the central nervous system, they also provide a nice stretch for the hamstrings.

Caution/Dangers: Those with high blood pressure conditions that are not taking medication should not do forward bends. 3rd Trimester pregnant women will probably not be able to bend down very far. You can also use a wall to forward bend on or a solid chair.

My Personal Experience: I feel calmed when forward bending and also slightly disoriented as I start to come up in the pose. It is helpful to come out of the pose very slowly, one vertebrate at a time, letting the head float up last.


There are a few standard inversions such as Legs up the Wall, Shoulder Stand, Hand Stand and Head Stand.

How to: For Legs up the Wall, it is easiest to get into this pose by laying on the floor a few inches away from the wall and then inching your buttocks to the wall. You can then have your legs straight up the wall or spread them more open in a “V”. It is a very passive pose and there should be no muscular effort required once you are in the pose comfortably. You can also put a folded up blanker under neath the buttocks or low back for some added support. This is a good pose to start or finish a class with.

Benefits: Inversions help drain blood and lymph so they help to invigorate and nourish different parts of the part with new blood. They help to regulate digestion. They are very calming to the central nervous system. On a pycho-spiritual level, it helps to view the world from a different perspective.

Caution/Dangers/Contraindications: For pregnancy , it is difficult for them to get into this pose, so they can modify by putting one leg up on the wall sideways instead of both legs up the wall at the same time. For people that have difficult getting into this pose, they can also raise their legs on a chair instead. Since pregnant women have a lot of swelling in the feet and legs, they tend to feel relief in this area when in this pose. There have been mixed messages in the yoga community if this is contraindicated for menstruation. Most yoga teachers will discourage this pose during this time though since it goes against the natural flow of energy during this time.

My personal experience: This pose is actually my all-time favorite pose and I love to end my practice with this pose. I have also used this pose when I have jet-lag or insomnia since it is so calming. Since you don’t need any props and it is a restorative pose, you can also be in regular clothes and do this pose. One time, when I had a long layover at the airport and was really exhausted, I did this pose in the waiting area at the airport since I was about to get on a long flight. I sometimes will fall asleep in this pose. It ends up being a meditative pose and this is one of the only poses I will do in isolation at times without any other poses. I love teaching this poses to friends and family since they are always astounded at how calming it is. I like putting an eye-pillow on as well.

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Synergy By Jasmine – and – Follow us for inspiring quotes, vitality, meditation, yoga and stress-management

Jasmine Kaloudis has a background in movement, bodywork and spiritual inquiry that lends itself to fostering an atmosphere of dynamic play, nurturing and growth. Jasmine has lived all over the globe and her multicultural perspective is beneficial with working with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Throughout her 15 year practice and teachings, Jasmine has experienced how yoga is a tool which allows us to experience our selves more fully and more richly. She specializes in working with yoga beginners, the stiff and inflexible.