You Will Understand Yourself Better and Faster Through the Writing Process

In my coaching, I share everything I know about writing and living, too. I believe your writing and what you are living right now are entwined. It’s not scientific; it’s only my theory, but there seems to be a chemical response that helps you know yourself better through the written word. Writing is a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing.

A few years ago, I found several journals I had lost track of and decided to read through some of them. I thought it would be an excellent way to see where I was at the time, and how far I had traveled in the intervening 5 -20 years. I was amazed by how much I knew at the time I wrote in the journals that I thought I had only recently incorporated into my life. That was when I realized writing had helped me integrate my learning all along. Writing revealed an understanding of the process I was in, and ultimately the change that I needed to make to improve my life. The realizations made through recording my thoughts, feelings, and memories helped me see expanded possibilities and unearth knowledge from my unconscious, higher conscious, and the collective conscious.

I now make it a point to reread my journals every few months. Every time I do, I see new and revealing perspectives on what I’m currently experiencing.

Here’s my first assignment: Go to a journal you wrote more than a year ago. Read it in its entirety, then write about what you discover. Explore what you knew then that you have only recently integrated into your life.

Website: Inspired Life Publications

Here you can find more useful information:
Transformational Writing Coaching Oregon
Self Publishing Coaching
Transformational Writing Author
Awaken your creative Genius

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If you are a speaker, life or business coach, healer, conscious-living entrepreneur, or change agent, let us help you touch more people with your stories.