If you have just split up with your ex and now wish you could get back together with them, this article is for you. Know that there are many more people just like you wanting to get their ex back and the faster the better.

At this stage, you might be feeling slightly depressed and unsure of what to do with yourself. Although you may feel that the best thing to do right now is to call your ex and ask them to come back, this will only push them further away.

To bring your ex back, we need to start doing the very opposite of what you are feeling right now. This is where you need to stop calling your ex and pleading with them to return, or stop crying by yourself all day long. Here are three straight forward steps to inhance your chances of gettting back with your ex.

1: Accept What Has HappenedTruly accepting that the split has occurred is the first step to getting your ex back. Admitting the acceptance to yourself will let you move on to the next stage needed in the process of splitting up. And not only that, it will relieve any tension between you and your ex.

Use this step to clearly think about your next move and what options you have available. If your ex decides they want to see you again, they will make it happen.

2: Do Not Contact Your ExYou need to be strong for this step and control yourself from contacting your ex at all, leaving them with some space. While this may seem an odd step in the process of trying to get your partner back, it will signal to them that you are beginning to move on.

Within the no contact period, your ex will have a chance to think about the relationship and what they felt about it. It is important to give them some space to let them start to miss you.

3: Have A PlanWhen the first two steps are complete, you will need to plan out what happens next, including when you should meet up and what you should say next. Using a strategy will give you access to the best chance possible in getting your love back.

The three steps mentioned here are a great start to getting your ex back and gauging if your ex is still interested.

Author's Bio: 

When making a plan, be sure to have a look at the Magic of Making Up System , or The Ex Recovery System for some sound ideas.