Most smokers who try to quit smoking will at least attempt a few tries before they are able to kick away the habit forever. Some of you may succeed in days and weeks, but some of you may only succeed after a few months and even sometimes, a few years.

I truly believe that smokers who make these quit smoking attempts for many times and not succeeded yet, are not prepared to quit smoking. They have not done any research on what it truly takes to quit smoking and are not well positioned both physically and mentally.

Of course, even the most successful ex-smokers will experiences relapses before quitting forever. But with proper preparation, when relapses happen, it will give you a good indication and help you to discover where you went wrong and to rethink your strategy for quitting.

Keep in mind even if relapses happen, you did not do anything wrong or that you’ve failed. It just means you’re not entirely ready at that point of time to quit. Besides just like anything in life, it’s hard to succeed during the first try.

There are a few questions below you can ask yourself during the course of quitting smoking like how many times have you tried to quit smoking?

My guess is if you’re like any smoker, the number of times you’ve tried to quit is at least 3 times.

The good news is that if you’ve noticed the amount of time you go on without smoking, the period of time that you go on without smoking becomes longer. This indicates that your body is slowly adapting for it to be without cigarettes.

However, the amount of times you’ve quit is more important that the time you’ve remained smoke-free. Why is that so?

It is because each attempt creates an opportunity to bring you a step closer for you to quit smoking and achieve your goal.

Here are other questions that can help you to further reflect on your number of attempts to quit.

What is the longest time you can go on without having a cigarette?

Each time you attempt to quit, do you clearly know why you want to quit?

I hope you will ask these questions each time you attempt to quit smoking.

Author's Bio: 

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 11 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without irritation, discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

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