Using any of the social networking tools can be overwhelming. Initial questions come to mind:
What am I doing here?
How come people say this is so great? What's so great about it?
There are so many people here - how do I get their attention?
Who is an expert? How have they achieved that status?
Why do some people have 21,000 - are you kidding me - 21,000 contacts?
How much time is enough time to spend on any of the sites?
Which one is the "right" one for me?

I could go on. Many of you know I am the Queen of Questions - a questioneer, if you will.

Let me share with you some of the things I have discovered about social networking . It is just like networking but it's done somewhere in outer space. By that I mean, that when you begin working in any of the platforms, you immediately alert and invite many more individuals into your space that you could ever do at a single networking event.

That means that when you enter twitter, you have more than 250 million, yes, million individuals that may choose to follow you. Facebook permits you to have more than 125 million enter into your space; LinkedIn, 80 million at the time of this writing.

So if you are remotely claustrophobic, this may not be the place for you. But if you want to open up new vistages, new places for you to seek out best practices among your peers, to see what similar professionals in your line of work are doing around the world, then you may choose LinkedIn as a modest place for you to start.

In a short period of time, my involvement has taken me into countries I have never ventured; into conversations with new colleagues with whom I share similar or discordant trains of thought, provided me with opportunities to explore new territory and find safe places to hold conversations.

I have been interviewed for radio shows, podcasts, contributed to books and articles for professional trade magazines and conducted research for my own writings.

I have, very simply, been learning how to increase my influence to enhance my affluence.

I have been fortunate and with that good fortune, found it beneficial to share what I have learned with others. For that reason, upon occasion, I provide webinars on "how to" use LinkedIn for those who are beyond the beginners stage. I am by no means an expert - I learn something new each time I teach a class.

But here's what some folks have said about the trainings:"Kayte's LinkedIn 201 webinar was a very practical and useful training session on how to use LinkedIn for online networking, positioning myself as an expert, and for business development. Thank you Kayte!" Keiko Hsu, San Francisco, CA

"This was a great orientation on how to use LinkedIn for business development." Pam Concannon, Philadelphia, PA region

"You did a great job of sorting out the confusion of the Linkedin system!" Linda Napier, Charlotte, NC

"I enjoyed it and started trying to put it to work yesterday afternoon!" Sandy Clitter, Delaware County, PA

For more information on upcoming classes (usually every other month, 75 minutes, reasonably priced), go to http://

Author's Bio: 

Multi-award winning author Kayte Connelly, CCT is a leadership coach and an Organizational Development Consultant. She is a Certified ChangeWorks Analyst and Trainer and a Standards for Excellence Consultant.

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