The amount of sleep a person needs nightly depends on the individual; the one fact that is constant is that everyone needs sleep. Sleep is time for the mind and body to recharge and restore. Not enough sleep can cause performance issues, lack of concentration, memory lapse, accidents, and behavior and mood problems and slows reaction time. Driving on lack of sleep can have the same consequences as driving under the influence of alcohol. There are numerous ways to fall asleep and prepare you for the next day.

Some people use over the counter or prescription sleep aides. However, these sleep aides can become very habit forming for some and prefer natural techniques to fall asleep. Keep records of your daily behavior if you have trouble falling asleep at night. Log all of the food you ingested during the day as well as the times. Most people do not realize how much caffeine or sugar they intake in a day. It could be as simple as having fewer cups of coffee or soda. Foods that are high in protein or large meals too close to your bedtime may be your reason for staying awake all night.

Most people find that creating a routine for their bedtime helps them to fall asleep much more quickly. Taking a warm bath or drinking hot tea, reading a boring book or writing all of their thoughts in a journal will help the body and mind to relax. It takes 30 days to create a habit, and once your body knows the steps that are being taken as well as a consistent bedtime, your body will begin to become tired as your nightly routine progresses.

If you find that you have trouble sleeping at night, lay back with your eyes closed and let your mind and imagination run wild. Picture your favorite vacation, or create a new one. Think about the best date you have ever had or how you would plan the perfect one. Create a new place in your mind where you can completely relax. Pretend you are on your favorite talk show answering questions about an upcoming project. It doesn't matter what you imagine, as long as you commit to the imagery. Most people will fall asleep before the story they are imagining even ends.

If all else fails, get out of bed. Go outside and take in some fresh air, watch a boring infomercial or read a dull book. Play a game that is repetitive and requires your concentration but doesn't take much mental effort. This will allow your mind and eyes to become tired. Sit in a chair and do breathing exercises, this will cause your body to relax and become sleepy.

If simple sleeping techniques do not offer the much needed sleep you need, you may need to consult a doctor. In some cases, lack of sleep may be caused by an underlying issue and need treatment may be needed.

Author's Bio: 

Jill Magso is a member of the Silva Team and contributes to spreading enlightened ideas and sharing teachings about meditation practices. The Silva Method encompasses a variety of powerful exercises that take you deep into Alpha and Theta levels of the mind so that you can work within your subconscious as well as your conscious mind.