Changing the Scenario of Education By hild-centred Methodology

Being a parent is not easy as your child has many requirements from clothes, a bag to giving a good education. Whether you opting for the Montessori method or play-based method, deciding an appropriate school for your child is not as easy as plucking mangoes from the tree. The main difference in two of the methods is ideologies. Montessori give more space and believes in child-centred education while play-based school prefer teachers to look after each and every activity done by children. If you are in a situation where you have to select the best option for your child, look no further and scroll down!

All About Montessori School

This method was introduced by Maria Montessori, the first female doctor of Italy in the 1900s. The methods runs around human interest and practical knowledge. After observing children coming from different backgrounds, lifestyle and places, she made this very unique approach to education, known as Montessori school . This system was liked by many people and many countries started adopting it.

Montessori believes in child play and also that it must be done by children rather than anyone interfering in it. If the child is given full responsibility for the activities he or she is doing, they will be easily trained for future challenges and learn the concept of individuality. Here the children have the facility to do the activity of their interest without any track of time. The teacher just monitors their progress and guide them in case of any query. Due to this method, children become more confident, get self-awareness and discipline at the same time.

Play Based Centres

This centres focus more on the play and consider playing as the best technique for imparting education. This method is more teacher-centric and in every activity of the child, teachers are involved which is good in one way but children do not get much space. Here, the children get freedom while playing as they are allowed to do anything and explore more and more things. The kids also enjoys in this system as they have more fun while playing. The social skills and resolving problems are two things which are easily inculcated in children due to high discipline.

Taking School Environment In to Consideration

While learning the school environment of both the system, it can be stated that both are nearly equal to one another. The environment is carefully designed on keeping the child’s needs at the priority. Montessori learning is mainly divided into five major subjects like maths, language, practicals, sensorial and personal. Activities and themes based subjects are taught in play-based schools.

A traditional education system is a period based system where so many subjects are taught in one day during regular intervals. So students are not able to get deep knowledge of a particular subject, thus their mind has a burden of learning so many things in one go. Teachers are also strict and they are bound by the rules that children have to do certain things in a particular time.

Montessori, on the other hand, is completely opposite to the traditional system where more emphasis is given on education than keep track of time. The teachers know what the children are doing but they do not interfere in their work. It does not mean that they do not provide guidance to the children, they show many innovative things to the children, increasing their artistic and life-based knowledge. Play-Based school has a good combination of play and learn. Here, the children get enough time to play and enough time to learn as well.

Montessori is quiet and pleasant where the children do not feel pressured to complete any task. It has no stress and that is the reason parents put more trust in this system. Play- based system is more filled with competition and so there is complete pressure of showing good performance. It also does not enhance the overall skills of the children. The children must enjoy the activities they are doing and not forced to follow any of them. No matter which school you are choosing for your child, they must fill the colours they like and not forced to make the same painting every day.

Benefits of Montessori Learning

In whole, there are lots of benefits of Montessori learning, the child is active in their own space also friendly and helpful to other kids too.

They are perfect in all the activities they are doing as they are not bound to perform any activity guided by teachers.

They are self-regulated and also knows the importance of discipline as there is no pressure of performance.

Their intelligence and skills are higher than other students as education is not the only subject related.

They have virtues like respect, honesty, confidence, helping other kids and being polite.

The child becomes more creative when given enough freedom to create everything by the heart.

Independence of time and space: As this system is children-centric, there is an advantage of getting a lot of time for the activity the children wants to perform.

Children get ready for future challenges and happily perform all the activities.

Even if your child is shy, he or she will grow in the field where he has the interest and not in the fields where others are good at.

Every child is special and must be nurtured differently is the mantra of this system of education.

The Final Verdict

It is not necessary that only one type of system is good for your child. There are many educational systems from which you have to choose which suits your child. Ask your children where they want to get admission and what type of atmosphere they like. Every child is different than why not their education system? The traditional schooling was more of imparting bookish knowledge than practical learning but now the scenario has changed and parents are choosing the school where practical knowledge, play and life learning is done in appropriate proportion.

Also, ask your friends and family to suggest the school. As parents whose children are already learning in the school has a better experience of the ideology of the school. Above all, also consider the behaviour of the teachers with the students as in the end you have to ensure that your children are under knowledgeable and passionate mind rather than someone who is just doing duty for the sake of doing it.

Playing is equally important, so make sure you are choosing a school where fun activities are done along with the learning part. Parents also prefer schools which are in the nearby area to the school. Moreover, positive environment plays an important role in nurturing the child. If you are in a dilemma to choose an appropriate school for your child preschool Canada is the best option you can rely on.

It is not rocket science to choose a better school for your child. You can also take help from Google, as it has all the information about schools across the nation. As your child’s future is important you cannot simply ignore imparting good education to your child.

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Hello, I am a Senior Content Writer. I am also making a notable contribution to the Australian Startup Community.