In a state of financial twirl, everyone will resort to every possible means to generate money. Most insurance policy holders route to selling their life insurance policies so as to acquire money for family support. Sometimes, insured aging individuals will likely feel that they no longer need the policy since they have already established good lives for their respective children. But what’s the real score of selling a life insurance anyway?

Traditionally, when a person wanted to end insurance premiums, he can have two options; either to cash in the policy according to its cash value or simply allow it to lapse. Today, a new remedy has been sorted to generate money from the policy. People opt to sell the policy to an interested third-party when they no longer feel the need of such policy. Here some reasons why individuals would sell their policies:

• Child is ready for college but family lacks financial tool
• Policy holder has already established “enough” financial security up to the time of his death
• Children have already established families of their own
• Unexpected medical expenses to pay for
• Policy holder can no longer pay the premiums

During the desperate hunt for cash, people tend to look after their policies as to end the struggle. But as you would know, selling of policies consequently means termination of benefits to your beneficiaries. Even if life goes so well for your family at the present time, you will never predict what’s bound to happen in the future. Upon your death , your surviving family may not be able to pay mounting expenses of your medical bills, inherited debts that you originally acquired, and your funeral and burial costs. Likewise, your earnings from policy sell-out can be taxable. This means that you will not be getting the exact amount of your full premiums leaving you a substantial loss. Furthermore, if you successfully sold your policy and later on would like to re-apply for a policy coverage, then you are doomed to pay higher premiums the second time around. Your waning health may now put you on a high-risk policy.
If despite the warnings you would still like to pursue selling your policy, here are some tips that would help you on your endeavor:

Insurance industry is a complex world. Consult a financial advisor or talk to the agent or company who sold you the policy. There are not many insurance companies who are legitimate to re-purchase a policy. Whichever life settlement company you choose, insist transparency of transactions.

• Besides talking to a buyer, you should also be transparent to your family . Your decision might distraught your family since you are cutting their benefits from the policy. Make them understand your point. As much as possible, let them sign a waiver or any notarized documents to imply understanding especially on the named beneficiary.

• Understand the whole settlement. Transaction can take several weeks or even longer if a trust is involved or legal matter in any sense. For older policy holder, he/she may be required to obtain medical certificate to attest mental competence to enter life settlement transaction.

Cashing in of life insurance policy must not be taken lightly. Now that you are packed with knowledge on why, why not, and how to sell your policy then making the right decision shall no longer a dilemma to you.

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