The way you react to a situation affects the outcome. Repeat this reaction again and again and eventually this creates a pattern for your whole life. Many people find themselves thinking about the worst case scenario for any situation they are in. As children we are taught to “expect the worst”. This causes stress, anxiety , and panic. In the longer term, it can lead to depression , energy depletion, and even problems with your health and your relationships. Who would want that?

The tendency to have ‘worst case scenario’ thinking happens because of subconscious negative beliefs. Fortunately, there are ways to change your patterns of thinking! You can erase these negative beliefs and begin to feel strong, resilient, confident, and in charge of your life. It’s not hard, once you know how.Why are we taught to expect the worst?

As humans, we want to be safe and protect ourselves against bad circumstances. So naturally we want to be prepared for negative events. The problem is we actually have little to no control over most of the bad things that could happen to us. Therefore this very logical desire actually leads to some very illogical conclusions.By breaking free from these illogical conclusions, you can experience a shift that some people say feels like an awakening of consciousness. Here’s how.

Step 1: Address the underlying assumption that catastrophic thinking protects and prepares you.

Think of a situation now and ask yourself, how do you feel now that you have dwelled on the worst possible thing that can happen? Do you feel happy, or do you feel even more worried? Think about preparing for a trip. When you are truly prepared, you should feel relaxed, safe, secure, and comfortable. You may even feel a little excited. You are ready for what is going to happen, so you are capable, effective, empowered, and happy. True preparedness gives you a clear and positive mind.Does catastrophic thinking make you feel empowered, happy, and confident? If not, it is not helping you prepare for whatever might happen. It’s not protecting you. It’s not keeping you safe, because if it were, you would feel safe once you had thought of all the possibilities and prepared for them.

Now that we have addressed the assumption that catastrophic thinking keeps you prepared and safe, let’s think about what catastrophic thinking actually does.

Step 2: Notice how catastrophic thinking actually makes you feel.

Think about your personal worst-case scenario. Is it your house burning down? Your car crashing into a river? Spiralling into debt and having to declare yourself as bankrupt? How do these scenarios make you feel? Are you happy, positive, safe, and confident? My guess is no. You probably feel stressed, emotional, and afraid. You may feel physically constrained, like it’s hard to get a breath of air. You may feel a sinking feeling in your stomach. Everyone experiences these negative emotions differently, but one thing is certain: the emotions you feel from these thoughts are probably negative, not positive.

These thoughts aren’t helping you. They are hurting you. It’s time to stop these negative thoughts and re-form your mental patterns in a way that will help you.

Step 3: Change your mental patterns.

Start by observing yourself. Notice how you feel inside. Think of something happy, safe, and peaceful. Feel the changes that happen in your body. You might feel light, expansive, relieved, and joyful. Some people get a feeling of warmth. Others feel strength and confidence, or peace of mind and internal stillness. The catastrophic thought you had is probably receding or disappearing from your awareness.

What happened?

You took the first step toward reclaiming control over your mind and your free will. Negativity is like a computer virus. It infects your mind and wreaks havoc on it, and on you. This ‘virus’ is downloaded beginning in your early life, and grows stronger every time you respond to anything with negativity.

This brief practice of self-awareness has begun the process of freeing you from this ‘computer virus’ that has infected your brain. You have begun to take control over yourself. But there are more steps to go through, and most people need coaching to help them address some of their most painful and fear-causing memories.

If you want to take total control of your life and stop being controlled by the fear of your past, contact me via the link below to request a complimentary 1 hour introductory phone/Skype coaching session. Let me help you change your life in ways you have never dreamed of!

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Felicity Muscat is the Founder of The Institute of Self Mastery which was created to help others fulfil the truest, highest, and most authentic expression of themselves in all areas of life.

If you have tried other approaches that have failed and are ready for change, request a complimentary introductory phone/Skype coaching consultation to help you get started on your journey back to your peak performing empowered and alive self today. To learn more and explore others’ success stories, download Felicity’s eBooks.

Felicity Muscat, former psychologist is now an international self-esteem, self-empowerment, and self-mastery life coach. Felicity is also a relationship and success coach, author of three best-selling books and Level 3 mind resonance coach.

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