Peer to peer lending has really taken a toll in the past decade over traditional banking patterns. This fueled trend allows the borrower to obtain a loan from a group of individual lenders without going through any intermediary medium, such as the banks.

Even though most of these lending have been solely for personal purposes, for example, used to finance home improvements or pay off credit card debt . This form of financing is increasingly gaining popularity in the US. According to a recent statistic roughly in the past decade, a hefty percentage of Americans have shifted from conventional banking to peer to peer lending.

Furthermore, there is a fair chance of almost 26% of Americans shifting on peer to peer lending in the next 5 years. When you look at the numbers and how easily it's increasing in awareness with the common peers. The domestic market would shoot to a blooming revenue of $898 billion by 2024.

Even though peer to peer lending is popular for home investments or credit card debt paid off, but most recently there has been an inclination towards using this service for mortgage offers as well. MyInstantOffer is an uprising Peer to Peer Lending website which allows you to customize loans according to your financial plans. What we love about this online platform is how easily anyone can approach and get started on their first loan plan instantly!

So how does MyInstantOffer works for its borrowers?

The steps are simple and easy. The first thing you need to do is fill in the application carefully. You choose the loan amount and interest rate appropriate for you. Once filled in your loan submission you will receive a letter of pre-approval for your loan. If your loan plan is suited to the seller, you close the loan.

You further add your personal details regarding the offer and sign your final documents. Within 30 days’ time, you get your loan confirmation.

What are the Pros and Cons of using MyInstantOffer?

You might want to know about how you can benefit from MyInstantOffer, and what can be the down-regulation of using this kind of loan then in simple words the main benefit is that you get instant cash n desired interest rates that you can afford on monthly installments so you do not have to worry about long term financial planning.

The only drawback that we can point out is that you need to have a good credit score but even then with the latest tips on how to improve credit score you can overcome this setback as well.

Author's Bio: 

I am a blogger and content writer