People at times renovate homes but fail to take the advantage of it. In other words, they fail to add value to their homes when they renovate, utilising their investment only partially. As per the experts, home renovation investment will only be worthy to the fullest, if the renovation adds value to the property in the truest sense.

Just refurbishing the existing properties will not be enough. It is essential to add more features and values. This is what gives rise to the need for value addition during a home renovation.


Value Addition of the Kitchen  

Kitchen of household demands extensive renovations and that never defeats the purpose in any way unless the renovations run out of the context. But why on earth will a professional renovator do this mistake? So let that probability be dropped from the discussion. Let the discussion be a bit more specific.

When it comes to renovating kitchens, the sky is the limit. This is important, as the kitchen is considered as the heart of a household. It is possible to increase value addition by 140 to 160 % by renovating just the kitchen, and one does not have to go for ultra expensive renovation for that.

Just an innovative shade of paint or maybe a perfect combination of multiple shades will make a lot of difference. If that is not enough, adding energy efficient state of the art appliances, including a new set of lightings will create all the magic.

Changing the Look and Feel of the Bathroom 

If renovating a kitchen is the one side of the ‘value-addition coin’, face lifting the bathroom will be the other side. And this is not merely limited to remodelling. It can also involve relocation. Again, there are so many things to be done. It not only includes adding a fresh coat of paint but adding newer appliances like basins and mirrors, innovative accessories, the best fittings in the marker, and so on.

The providers of home renovations in Parkdale can make a sea change to the configuration and the overall look and feel of the bathroom altogether. There are scopes of adding appliances that may help the elders to use the bathroom and the toilet without any hassle whatsoever. The getup can be changed so much so that the bathroom becomes a safe haven for the elders when they use it.

Its overall look and feel can be such that taking a bath can be a real treat. These are what the experts term as – renovation for value addition.

…And the ROOMS

This is where all the greatness of innovative ideas and out-of-this-world of concepts converge at the end of the day. Again, a lot can be done here. The dimension of the rooms can be changed, state of the art lighting can be installed at strategic points that will alter the very mood of the room. Then there are steps like installation of mirrors at vantage points, new furniture and fittings that support the new theme of the room. Another aspect that adds value to renovation is creating a focal point that will help the new look and feel to reign further.

Creating focal point applies everywhere – bathroom, kitchen, rooms, and even when it comes to renovating the lawns or the decks and pergolas. Hence, there are so many aspects that the home builders in Aspendale have to deal with. In fact, that is where their expertise is tested. Nevertheless, all these will genuinely help in the value addition of a home following a renovation - something that will justify the investment to the fullest.

Author's Bio: 

The author is a company that carries our home renovations in Aspendale, Parkdale. The author also writes regular blogs on home builders. The author is followed by many.