You may under estimate how important applying the no contact rule is if you want to get your ex back into your life. It's better to refrain from any forms of contact with your ex for at least a month, especially if you think you have a chance of getting back together. If you're skeptical about stopping all forms of communication with your ex, please keep reading.

The no contact rule is so crucial after a breakup. So many people actually don't take advantage of how powerful the no contact rule is.

The no contact rule will show your ex how self-reliant you are and will keep them wondering why you haven't called them back. This is one of the most important things you can do in trying to get an ex back. However, there are some things you must know before you apply the no contact rule to get an ex back.
Do no use the no contact rule in hopes of getting your ex's attention. Don't be in a hurry to get into a new relationship either. You must learn how to enjoy life again without your ex.
When your fingers begin to itch to contact your ex, you can call a friend instead. You don't have to be alone during this tough time. Being with your friends and family will help you heal from your breakup. You'll learn how to smile again when you focus your thoughts on connecting with other people in your lives.
With the no contact rule, you're doing several things to help you get through this tough period in your life. It gives ample time for you to recover from the pain of a heartache. Also, it helps give your ex a chance to reevaluate what they truly want in their life. In most cases, space away from you will help them realize that it wasn't the relationship that was bothering them, but something else in their life.
In the mean time, you must focus on improving your own life. Do something special with a friend. Try joining pottery or dance classes. Whatever you decide to do, it will help you focus your mind your own life and not on your ex.
Striving for improving your personal development is important if you want to maintain a successful relationship. We want to see that our partners develop at something they have an interest in. It's definitely nice, too, if you're able to help your partner in their interest.
Once you and your ex are contacting each other again, don't be in a hurry to get your relationship back to where it was in your previous relationship. Start off as friends and rebuild your friendship again.
There are many people out there who try to be friends with their ex so quickly after their breakup. This doesn't last very long usually because they each have not had a chance to heal from the pain of the breakup, too much raw emotions are still there-- making it harder to be completely platonic.
During the no contact rule, you can try to put yourself out there and see what dating other people are like. Don't put your energy where it has nothing much to do for you since there are numerous people on this planet. You must be looking for the people that are really interested in you and who you feel a dynamic exchange of energy with.
Such people can encourage and motivate you to undertake new projects or help you create more passion for what you're already interested in.

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If you want to know how to get a girl to love you back , you might be interested in checking out Stop a Breakup to save your relationship.