I thought I was frigid…

I did not seem to like sex much…

I had loved the idea of it before having it…

(Apart from the guilt of it, of course…)

But now I was married, supposedly allowed to indulge in as much sex as I liked and I kinda hated it.

I dreaded the nights when I would have to be naked in order to fulfil my wifely duties…

I felt stifled, stuck, unable to let go…

I wanted to be in control at all times…

I felt I could not trust him enough to let myself go…

And it stifled every part of my life.

How had I gone from longing to have this sexual release to being this frigid woman who wanted to cover herself up and hide away and try to live a nun-like existence?

Yes, some of it was due to stupid medication (Ladies, beware of what you stick in your mouth or what crazy implants you wear – there are more natural ways to prevent yourself from having another baby!)

And most of it was just what was going on in my head…

The guilt, the confusion of all those years of wanting it, but not having it, indulging in pornography while feeling guilty about it, being a good christian girl with ‘good’ moral values in public but feeling like the worst of sinners in private, being uncertain what God really thought about sex and maybe, even a little resentful that He had given me this drive but then seemed to want me to stifle it (if all the preachers were to be believed!)…

And it took me years and years to finally, FINALLY free myself from all the nonsense!

To handle my desire to be spiritual AND sexual AND successful…

All areas that seemed to be at conflict with each other…

They were not but I thought they were…

And as I freed myself in this most intimate area, my business blew up.

I found freedom to be myself in the bedroom…

I found freedom to be myself in my purpose-driven business…

I allowed myself to want what I wanted in the bedroom…

I allowed myself to want what I wanted in the marketplace…

And both simultaneously became amazing!

And at the same time, I became even more intimate with God/higher power/universe!

Leader, if you are anything like me, your success will be capped until you fully own all of you!

You cannot on the one hand, tell yourself that you are unworthy of a great orgasm in private and then go out onto the marketplace and perform well.

You cannot hold back from the powerful release and awesome pleasure of an orgasm and then somehow, let go and be you in the marketplace!

That same unworthiness, that feeling of shame and guilt, that need to control every little thing will follow you into the marketplace.

How you do anything is how you do everything!

We are not like some who can ignore the need for the deep inner work and somehow, go all out in public and create wins – Usually, your success wil be capped and finally you will implode and even the small success you do gain, you will sabotage.

Because you have not fully accepted yourself.

You have not fully accepted that Source accepts you…

And so you hold back subconsciously, like I did.

Leader, your secret shames, uncertainties, guilts no longer need to be secret and no, I am not saying that you have to go public like I am about these areas of your life.  I do this because I am called to draw you out.

If I did not talk so bluntly about this stuff, you would not realise that there is respite for you because I am exactly who you need to work this stuff out in private with.

And once you start to work out your Spirituality, Your Sexuality , Your Past Story, your success in public will start to happen a lot easier than before because you will take the cap off.

And even if we never work together, can I leave you with this…

You are created with the ability to have GREAT SEX, to feel your whole body light up, to become one with another with no shame or guilt or even to just love on yourself.  That GIFT of the orgasm was not given you to taunt you just as your big vision for your life was also not given you to taunt you.

You are created to have powerful orgasms and also to have a POWERFUL life!

Do the inner work on your own, if you want to – JUST MAKE SURE YOU DO IT!

The public work you are called to do, can only be done by you so hurry up, sort out your inner crazy so that you can get to work impacting many and creating wealth for you and for yours…

You know you want to!

So let yourself, honey!

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live… BECAUSE YOU WANT TO!

PS – Spirit Sex Success begins on the 25th Wednesday – Only available to elite leaders who know they are called to impact many and make millions. Time to get out of your own way and heal so that you can do the work you are born to do, the work you WANT TO DO!
Learn more and join in at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/spiritsexsuccess

Be part of this initial live program because as soon as we start on Wednesday, the price for this private mentoring program will jump by $300 for any subsequent intakes.


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And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online