I believe passionately that we are all born with our own natural gifts and talents, and that these gifts and talents not only shape who we are, but help us create a much happier human experience. The lens in which we see the world is viewed differently when we follow our bliss. When our heart is open, people, places and things begin to show up in miraculous ways to support our calling.

For many, as life unfolds, we lose touch of who we are, and learn to adhere to what society dictates is best for us. The question to ask is, “What is the price to pay for not pursuing our happiness ?”

It starts early on when the child is constantly reminded that the purpose of going to school is to get good grades so he can secure his future. He is not told that he should be happy in school or that learning can be – and ought to be – fun.

Discovering what you are passionate about, in all areas of your life, is an investment in living a quality life. Enduringly passionate people live longer, their health is better, and their relationships thrive.

Finding Your Passion

It’s important to understand why discovering what you’re passionate about in life is essential to your overall well-being and ultimate happiness . When we live a life congruent with our passions, we have a much more meaningful experience full of personal satisfaction and success. The ebb and flow of a happy life is so much richer and meaningful, than living in mediocrity. To understand what your passions are is to understand your own unique gifts and talents you were born with, which are clues to your purpose. Why haven’t most of us done this?

Most people have a very limited conception of what their actually capable of achieving. When we learn to use our own natural abilities to create, that’s when magic happens. We are all born with our own uniqueness, our talent, intelligence, creativity , intuition and physical and spiritual awareness, yet most of us only use a fraction of these powers, sometimes none at all.

Without the right opportunities and mindset, or the innate willingness to dismiss anything but living from our passions, it’s difficult to grasp this new concept. The need to conform culture starts early on in our schools. We have placed such an emphasis on standardized testing, while cutting out the fundamental programs in the arts and humanities, where creativity thrives. This model systematically drains the imagination out of our children, prohibiting them to explore their own natural abilities.

Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children. He champions a radical rethink to cultivate creativity and acknowledges multiple types of intelligence -“Some of the most brilliant, creative people I know did not do well at school. Many of them didn’t really discover what they could do – and who they really were – until they’d left school and recovered from their education.”

When we are deeply connected to our element, there’s a fundamental sense of self, our purpose, and our well-being. For most of us, this new concept will take a conscious effort, and takes time and practice. The world seems much kinder when we are able to live from our passions, our “why we are here”, as we get to share our true self in the service of others, while living an exceptional life.

Having a career mirroring what you love, in the service of people who love what you do, creates a win-win for everyone involved. You’re passionate about your “why” while being in the service of others who benefit from your vision.

When you live from passion , your perceived fears and limitations will soften, as the “soul on fire” is a powerful weapon, and will have your back when you need it most.

Donna Markussen
Certified Passion Test Facilitator

Author's Bio: 

My passion is to help people flourish in life, by getting into alignment with who they really are, gaining clarity on their life purpose, and discovering what their passions are. Every response in our body tells us that living inside a feeling of passion feeds us with energy, vitality and a great life. And yet we are taught to dismiss this natural tendency early in life. We are taught what we feel is good for us is bad, what we see possible is not possible, according to “others” who think they know what’s best for us. When we are told this, we are often sidetracked from our passions at a very early age and we begin to live life by default, taking paths with no meaning, purpose or direction. This leads to years, if not a lifetime, of running on empty. Recharging briefly then right back in to feeling miserable. Our society is living with 4 out of 5 people are not happy in their careers, relationships and suffer poor health. I would like to be part of the statistic that changes that!

My Story

Carmel Valley CA Photographer Doug Ellis

I love to laugh…

I laugh at myself all the time and have come to know that laughing is my true spirit. I enjoy getting up each day and doing work that provides me an opportunity to express my greatest gifts and talents with the rest of the world. I nurture my emotional, physical and spiritual needs in a way that is aligned with who I am and what is most important to me.

My passion is to help people flourish in life, by getting into alignment with who they really are, gaining clarity on their life purpose, and discovering what their passions are. Every response in our body tells us that living inside a feeling of passion feeds us with energy, vitality and a great life. And yet we are taught to dismiss this natural tendency early in life. We are taught what we feel is good for us is bad, what we see possible is not possible, according to “others” who think they know what’s best for us. When we are told this, we are often sidetracked from our passions at a very early age and we begin to live life by default, taking paths with no meaning, purpose or direction. This leads to years, if not a lifetime, of running on empty. Recharging briefly then right back in to feeling miserable. Our society is living with 4 out of 5 people are not happy in their careers, relationships and suffer poor health. I would like to be part of the statistic that changes that!

As a wife of 29 years, mother of two sons, and mentor to countless friends, my coaching style is rooted in my personal journey towards healing and wholeness. I have spent the last seven years, consumed in workshops, seminars,courses, consumed in hundreds of books, audio’s and just recently got Passion Test Certified. I will continue to learn, grow and aspire to know all I can in the field of personal development and spirituality, which inspires me to live all out in life, go for what I want, think positive, surround myself with like minded people, and love and appreciate every day.