There are hundreds and thousands of quotes and clips which we have passed down through the ages. We have words of wisdom from men and women who have been through trials and struggles who share their experiences with us through short, yet thought provoking, words. Many of them are similar in meaning but said differently. Some of them are in line with God’s word; however some are not.

We have to be careful we aren’t following the words of man when we go through our daily lives. We have to be careful we aren’t changing what has been written by God to make ourselves appear greater than Him. We have to have our own relationships with God so we allow God’s Holy Spirit to move within us and we are able to discern God’s word from man’s.

2 Peter 1:20-21 “Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from the prophet’s own understanding, or from human initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God.”

The Holy Spirit does move us, not human initiative. When we are moved by the Holy Spirit, we will know it and there will be no doubt about it. We can hear words of wisdom by man, we can talk about what others say and think, but it seems to be just a waste of time. Why discuss and debate what man may say or think when we have God’s word to read and to live by.

We have the scripture to give us God’s prophecy. We have the promises of God and the stories of the people He chose to be in the Bible. There is a reason He gives us these words to read and study. There is a reason He allows us to spend time with Him alone reading His word. There is a reason we have prayer time with Him when no one else is around.

The reason is so we can have our own personal relationship with Him. We need to be very careful who we listen to and who we follow in the world. So many people can be easily swayed so our lives and our talk needs to be what God wants not what man thinks we should do or say.

2 Peter 1:3-4 “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.”

We shouldn’t just take someone else’s word for what God wants us to do in our lives. We need to find our own relationship with Him. He gives us what we need. He has promises and a purpose for each of us. We can’t rely on others to communicate this to us. We need to find God’s word and stop relying on others to find Him for us.

When we take time to build a relationship with God, He will use us for His purpose. He will communicate to us through the Holy Spirit. We can’t receive what He has to give us if we don’t spend time getting to know Him. We can’t know His promises and purpose for us if we don’t take action and escape from the world’s corruption and go to Him. When we make that decision to go to God, He will use His Holy Spirit to lead us and to make a difference.

Author's Bio: 

Frances Lucas has lived in the Birmingham, Alabama area for the past 40 years. She is a firm believer in leading by example and what she shares comes from her experience in life having to set her own goals and make things happen in her life…not depending on anyone else. She can help you, your team members and your employees to realize their purpose in life, learn their strengths and begin to develop their strengths.

She attended Corporate Coach University where she obtained an Advanced Certified Corporate Coach degree. Frances also has a bachelor‘s degree in Business Management and a masters in Human Resources. She has facilitated classes for large and small groups, created and organized self-improvement and employee development programs, classes, and work books. She enjoys coaching others one-on-one or in groups. Frances is a professional discipleship coach certified through Blueprint for Life Institute and is dedicating her life to helping others find their God-given purpose in life.

She has found her passion in life and wants to share her passion by helping others find theirs!

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