Salvation means Moksha, the ultimate liberation.
One has been traversing through this cosmos (Universe) for endless lifetimes with birth and death being inevitable. Self-ignorance veils one’s real identity, thereby not allowing one to gain freedom.

A person constantly keeps binding karma, good and bad, and as a result, constantly keeps suffering its effects, good and bad. And finally, when he yearns to come out of the cycle of birth and death and attain permanent happiness , he finds an Enlightened Being, Gnani Purush, who can give him eternal freedom!

Gnani Purush, through his divine powers, separates the worldly self (identified by the name and the body) and the real Self (the Soul). That’s when one comes in the awareness of the Self. This is the first stage of Moksha.There are two stages of Moksha:

First stage of Moksha –
Spiritual Science states that when matter and Soul, the two eternal elements, come in close proximity, egoism gets produced. This egoism is the one who claims, “I am this name and I’m the doer of this world!” It is this egoism which, out of ignorance of the Self (not knowing that I am a pure Soul), binds merit and demerit karmas life after life.Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, the Enlightened One, explains that the root cause of all the worldly wanderings is ignorance of one’s own Self i.e. egoism. Hence one needs to realize one’s real existence in order to gain permanent freedom.
When one realizes that he’s neither the body nor the name and just an Absolute pure Soul, he gets liberated from within, and this is called the first level of Moksha.

Second stage of Moksha –
When all the worldly atoms (karmas) are shed, the Soul reaches the Siddha Kshetra, an abode of all liberated Souls.Let’s understand the geography of this Universe…
The whole Universe is in the shape like that of a man standing with his arms on his waist and feet spread. The middle part at the waist level is where humans and animal life-forms dwell, the upper portion i.e. from head upto the waist level represent the seven heavens and the lower portion signifies the seven hells. Siddha Kshetra is above the head area, and is the abode of all the Souls who have attained liberation. There, one stays in his Absolute form of the Soul (no karmas, no body)!

It is only in the human form that one binds karmas, and from here, one may go to one of the four life-forms namely heaven, hell, animal or back into the human form, depending on the intensity of karmas that one has bound.How can one get liberated from karmas?

After attaining Self Realization from the Enlightened one, as one follows the Enlightened One’s words, one becomes free from the causes i.e. does not bind new karmas, and thus comes an end to his endless wanderings in the four life-forms. In the awareness of the Self, as the karmas shed, one experiences more and more of the eternal bliss.
When all the karmic atoms are shed, the Soul automatically rises towards the Siddha Kshetra as it attains ultimate liberation.

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Author's Bio: 

Ambalal M. Patel was a civil contractor by profession. In June 1958, spontaneous Self-Realization occurred within Ambalal M. Patel. From this point on, Ambalal became a Gnani Purush, and the Lord that manifest within him became known as Dada Bhagwan. A Gnani Purush is One who has realized the Self and is able help others do the same. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan used to go from town to town and country-to-country to give satsang (spiritual discourse) and impart the knowledge of the Self, as well as knowledge of harmonious worldly interactions to everyone who came to meet him. This spiritual science, known as Akram Vignan, is the step-less path to Self-realization