The Gnan Vidhi, conducted by the Spiritual master, on the path of Akram Vignan, is the process whereby one attains Self-Realization in just two hours! Here, the Soul is awakened in just a matter of 48 minutes. And when the awakening happens, one’s identity shifts to the real ‘I’ immediately, in that very instance.

Self-Realization is one of the most important and significant stages of a spiritual journey. No matter what spiritual path one is walking on, Self-Realisation is an inevitable stage that one must attain before one can proceed towards the final, ultimate liberation called moksha.

Different spiritual practices offer different ways and processes that can lead to this stage, but there are chiefly two types of spiritual paths:
1.Kramic path, and
2.Akram path.

On the Kramic path, one goes through spiritual development in an orderly manner, climbing one step at a time. He renounces his belongings, overcomes his anger with forgiveness , then pride with humility, later he overpowers the habit of deceit by adopting straightforwardness in his interactions, and finally gives up greed by practicing generosity.

On the Akram path however, Gnani (Self-Realised spiritual master), directly through his spiritual powers, makes one taste the experience of the Soul, irrespective of where the individual is, on the ladder of spiritual development. Due to this experience, one’s conviction regarding his identity gets established hundred percent, there and then, in the real ‘I’.

Therefore, Akram path helps us reach our goal much more quickly. Let us understand this though an example.

Suppose there is a temple located on the peak of a high mountain. There are, let’s say, 14000 steps that one must climb in order to visit the temple and seek darshan (paying respect through the act of viewing) of the presiding deity. Now, in the Kramic path, one has to climb one step after another and only when they have climbed all 14000 steps, can they visit the temple. On the other hand, the Akram path is like a ropeway system that quickly takes one to the top without having to climb each step.

Ultimately, the ego must be completely dissolved. No sense of ‘I-ness’ or ‘my-ness’ must remain if one were to attain moksha. In the Kramic path, one keeps dissolving his ego bit by bit, as one comes to realize it part by part. And when the very last shred of ego is dissolved, then Self-Realisation happens and moksha follows soon afterwards. But on the Akram path, one surrenders the ego in the lotus feet of Gnani, right at the beginning; and Gnani takes away that ego. He shifts our identity to the real ‘I’. Only he whose ego is completely gone can take away the other person’s ego. And he is called the Great one i.e. Viraat Purush.

Only when the ego departs i.e. when our identity shifts to the real ‘I’, can it be said that we have come face to face with a Great One i.e. Gnani, the Enlightened One.
●A conviction is established that “I am Pure Soul” and its awareness gets initiated.
●Worries vanish as you obtain the right understanding of ‘who the Real Doer is’ and thus you remain stable even in adverse circumstances.
●The inner weaknesses of anger, greed, pride and deceit begin to leave and one's experience of bliss of the Self increases.
●Experience of eternal peace, happiness and harmony with all living beings starts with the application of the scientific principles of Akram Vignan after Self Realization .
Self Realization brings love for all living beings, leading to the intent for world salvation.
●Finally, there arises oneness with every living being, as the Self (Soul) is the same in everyone.

As and when this happens, we come to know that we are enlightened!

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Author's Bio: 

Ambalal M. Patel was a civil contractor by profession. In June 1958, spontaneous Self-Realization occurred within Ambalal M. Patel. From this point on, Ambalal became a Gnani Purush, and the Lord that manifest within him became known as Dada Bhagwan. A Gnani Purush is One who has realized the Self and is able help others do the same. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan used to go from town to town and country-to-country to give satsang (spiritual discourse) and impart the knowledge of the Self, as well as knowledge of harmonious worldly interactions to everyone who came to meet him. This spiritual science, known as Akram Vignan, is the step-less path to Self-realization.