Wheatgrass information presented in this article is a general overview of history and origins of this amazing plant and various nutrients and benefits.

Wheatgrass really stands for young wheat plant which is harvested and made into juice, powder or fine paste for various purposes. Wheatgrass hosts many beneficial substances which provide the human body with valuable benefits such as improving the function of the immune-system, blood count and muscle building, slowing down the aging process, tightening and rejuvenating skin, detoxifying and much more.

The first documented wheatgrass info came from mighty Egypt and prosperous Mesopotamia. As we all know these people were very advanced for their time. They used wheatgrass to heal wounds faster and prevent illness.

Wheatgrass use was anecdotal and sporadic until twentieth century when a chemist by the name of Schnabel realized that feeding wheatgrass to chickens greatly increases their egg production.

He then patented a few wheatgrass based products and offered them to a few companies and the rest is history. The person who really gets the most credit for making wheatgrass mainstream is Ann Wigmore who toured the world and left a great deal of wheatgrass info in the form of books , institutes, and other resources which provide great, in-depth help to any health conscious persons ready to implement it to their diet .

The range of benefits which can be gained by consuming wheatgrass is provided by a range of enzymes, huge amounts of chlorophyll, important vitamins and a multitude of minerals.

There are a few side effects to wheatgrass consumption which are mainly attributed to its odd taste and detoxifying properties that is obtained through its high chlorophyll content.

Wheatgrass is best taken early in the morning on an empty stomach, for a full effect. The energy lift will make your daily chores a breeze and soon you’ll forget what a cold used to feel like.

Armed with the right wheatgrass info, you can grow it in your home easily. The tools necessary are already in your home and all you have to invest is a couple of minutes a day and a couple of cents per ounce, instead of going to juice bars and paying a couple of dollars for a single shot.

Furthermore, you control all the factors such as organic fertilizers and soil, quality organic seeds, proper watering technique and optimum stem density to get the healthiest wheatgrass packed with health bolstering nutrients.

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