How would you answer that question?

I have reflected on this quite a bit over the past year as I have made huge investments in my business. I have also reflected on this question, personally, as I have made major changes in my own life. What is too good for me? Now? Nothing!

A few years ago, I would have answered this question differently.

Life is an interesting journey and I can tell you, quite confidently, that I am happier at this particular stage in life than I have ever been – both personally and with my business. I am gearing up to celebrate my 60th birthday next year and let me tell you, it’s going to be quite the party! I am planning on renting a villa in Portugal or Spain for the whole month of August – and that’s just part of it.

What is too good for me – nothing!

As we go through life – in our 20’s, our 30’s, our 40’s and now, for me, the 50’s, it’s all about life lessons. The key is to get the lesson! I grew up in a French Canadian Catholic military home – a very humble lifestyle. It was a good life and a very happy life but there were no entrepreneurs around my world. Once I got out on my own and discovered the big world and all the opportunities that existed, there was no stopping me! What did hold me back, however, were the core beliefs I had about job opportunities and expectations about what was possible. Only when I began working with The Pacific Institute over 20 years ago did I discover that the barriers and the boundaries to what I dreamt was possible for me and my life were all inside of me. How very exciting! That meant I held the key – that I could change anything and invent my own life.

I do believe that I wasted a whole lot of time listening to others though – paying too much attention to what people said, and what other people thought of me, and ‘was I ok”? I remember, as I was building my speaking business, hearing people say “don’t get too big for your britches’ or ‘who do you think you are’?

I had a fabulous mentor those days – her name is JoLove Beach – she is still very much a part of my life – my inspiration , my cheerleader, my support, my friend. I remember working with her on a project one time and we went to a business center to make photocopies. We were on a tight time frame and there was a long line up at the copier machine. Any time someone came up behind us and expressed their sense of urgency to get ahead in the line, I let them. Finally, JoLove said to me: “Why is it you believe that your time is any less valuable than their time?” That stopped me cold! What? Where did that come from? I thought I was just being ‘nice’. She saw it differently – and she was right.

I have never forgotten that experience and, to this day, I value my time just as much as…….if not more than……….. What a powerful lesson!

What is too good for me? Nothing!

Flash forward in my life now – where I am growing my business, working with a phenomenal team, have the most incredible business mentors (I have 3 now!) and I continue to invest in ME.

When I was on my trip around the world, I had the most wonderful experiences, in general. Specifically though, it was quite the mindset process as I wrapped my head around the fact that I was flying on a private jet and staying in 5* hotels – and enjoying the best of the best. Wow! Me? Well, yes, ME! And why not me?

Here’s the lesson in all of this – when I work, I work hard. When I play, I play hard. I want to work and play with the best of the best – so that I can become my best and live my best life. Have you ever heard it said that we are the average of the 5 people we hang around? Well, you can bet that I am very discerning now about the people I spend time with – both for business and for pleasure. (Note: Some people are not good for you!)

So what? Who cares? What difference does any of this make? The point I want to make is if you are serious about your life and about your business, then you need to make an investment in time, energy and money to succeed. Look around – find people who are living the life you want – who are succeeding at business the way you want to succeed. Then do what it takes to become like that – that’s how we grow!

What’s too good for you? I welcome your comments…….

1) Take a good look at your career and/or your business? Are you happy with where it’s at?2) When was the last time you invested in growing you? In growing your business?
3) Who is responsible for your success? What are you going to do about it?

Do some of these exercises and I guarantee that you will start to live your best life. When you try new things, you are developing the confidence and courage to move forward and invent the life you truly want to live.

Author's Bio: 

Pat Mussieux has a message of hope and success. For more than 20 years, Pat has studied the internal driving forces that create happiness and success at all levels. She knows what drives women, what inspires them and what it really takes to transform them from the inside out. As a coach, international speaker, author and radio host, she teaches women mindset and marketing techniques to help them figure out what they want to be when they grow up, how to get out of their own way, how to attract more clients, make more money and have more freedom – so they can develop the confidence and courage to live their best life – at any age! Pat is the author of the “Building Confidence and Courage Home Study System” and the book: “Who Am I Now? Simple Steps to Inventing Your Future – After Divorce, Retirement, Death of a Spouse, Empty Nest, etc.”

P.S. Visit my website to get your free CD: “Finding the Confidence and Courage to Live Your Best Life – At Any Age!” and my F.R.E.E. weekly ezine.