A few years ago, I participated in a retreat that up until that time was one of the most soul fulfilling journeys that I could consciously remember experiencing.

The center itself was nestled in the warmth of nature, miles away from the busyness of life. And although, it was located in North Carolina, in that time and space it was everywhere present.

The day consisted of connecting with the Universe through nature, silent and walking meditations, mindfulness, Native American chants, drumming circles and love.

In the silence we could hear God, in the mindful eating we were nourished by God, in the drumming we could feel our hearts beat and connect with God, In our oneness we felt the Allness of God.

Years ago, a spiritual mentor shared with me, that as you grow in your spiritual practice and meditation becomes a part of your daily life you will be able to maintain that state of peace for a longer period of time.

Even in knowing that Spirit is ever present, as part of my spiritual practice, I began noticing ways in which I was communing with Spirit. On a daily basis, in everyday ways, I began listening to and nourishing my soul in a greater way.

These appointments with Spirit became everyday retreats that center and align my life in such a profound way that I wanted to share it with all of you. If you are looking for a way to journey within and nourish your soul, retreats are an excellent way to realign and rejuvenate yourself or a great way to simply start your day!

From time to time we will be sharing with you some of our retreat experiences and would love to hear all about yours. Here are a few everyday retreats that allow you to unplug, rest and unwind for a few moments, a few hours or even a day.

Some of my favorite retreats are:

* Inner Retreats are when I take time just for me. Time to look inside and simply be. I unplug myself from all of the technology of phones, computer, and even Twitter! I simply be! Whether I choose my getaway to be in my meditation room, the front porch, on the beach or simply taking a long candle lit bath it is one of the best ways to relax and receive inner guidance.

* Soul Retreats are one of my favorite retreats because I get a chance to enjoy the peace of an inner retreat and at the same time do what my soul longs to do. For you, this may be different things at different times, as it is for me. Sometimes it is writing, sometimes it is being of service in the community, sometimes it is teaching or simply listening. It is in these moments that I am following my inner compass. For you it may be art or creating music. It is generally how you share your purpose with the world.

* Conversational Retreats are not only special they warm the heart. Have you ever had conversations with a friend and absolutely knew that it was more than a conversation…it was a journey? A conversation heart to heart! I have several friends that when we speak it becomes such a great retreat that we often say “Wow, this was so good we should have recorded it!” When was the last conversational retreat you enjoyed and who was it with?

* Travel Retreats are ones that I often call meditations in motion. It is in the movement from one space to the next that stillness is virtually found. Could it be the change in space and time or the peace among travelers that calls forth some of the most thought provoking questions from within? Whichever is true for you, it is what we do with the answers that makes the difference.

The one thing about retreats is that when we attend one, it is sometimes hard for us to step back into the busyness of our everyday lives. One way, to extend your retreat and the peace you’ve enjoyed until your next journey is to journal the wonders and joy of your experience!

What is your favorite everyday Retreat?

I look forward to hearing all about your retreats and from time to time will share some of mine.

Author's Bio: 

Marie Kirkland of Inner Alignment Living helps soul-inspired entrepreneurs to live an aligned life by helping them integrate their spirituality, lifestyle and business. Sign up for Marie's weekly newsletter 'Align Your Life' at http://tinyurl.com/yffxhhg and receive her free eBook, 'Declutter Your Life: Creating a Life of Peace, Organization and Balance'. You can view more articles on her website at www.innteralignmentliving.com .