Hearing loss is one of the common effects of aging . While you will have decent hearing for the majority of your life, there will come some point when your ears will fail you. It is actually rare that people reach old age without losing their hearing to some degree. San Mateo Elderly Care states that there are many different types of hearing loss that people experience. Some forms of hearing loss are quick and sudden. However, it is more common for people to undergo gradual hearing loss.

The most common type of hearing loss that occurs as people age is called presbycusis. When the tiny hairs that convert sound for the brain to process become damaged or deteriorated a loss of hearing results. Hearing loss can occur faster for some people than others. There are certain factors that can account for hearing loss. One of these factors is the type of environment that people expose themselves to. San Mateo home care knows that individuals that are in louder environments tend to experience a greater degree of hearing loss. They also tend to suffer from hearing loss at an earlier age than those who live a quieter lifestyle.

Another type of hearing loss that is not as common is sudden hearing loss. This can occur as a result of an infection or medical problems. While people do develop medical conditions as they age, hearing loss is normally more gradual. It is rare for your hearing to just fail you completely. There are hearing aids available for people to use, however, the quality that these devices produce are nowhere near the quality that the tiny hairs in the ears could produce. A better way for a person to keep his or her hearing is to prevent hearing loss.

San Mateo Senior Care understands that preventing hearing loss is as simple as turning the volume down and taking care of one's own personal health. This includes keeping away from drugs and eating a healthy diet . Keep exposure to loud noise to a minimum. In most cases, loud noises will not cause one to go deaf right away. It is prolonged exposure to loud noises that can result in hearing loss. It is better for one to take measures right now to protect and preserve one's own hearing.

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