Knowing what to expect after wisdom teeth removal is the best way to ensure that you’re ready for whatever may come your way. In truth, you are going to experience some pain and swelling, but having a plan ready to follow once you get home from surgery will help you get through it all.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Your wisdom teeth are the final teeth that will erupt in your mouth. Sometimes, they do not need to be removed, in the case of healthy gum tissue and proper alignment, but this is usually not the case. The wisdom teeth could grow in sideways and emerge partially from your gum. Sometimes, they become trapped underneath the bone and the gum, which will be very painful if left in the mouth.

Not to mention that the neighboring teeth may take damage if your wisdom teeth come in sideways, trying to push their way out of the gums. This is why it’s incredibly important to have your wisdom teeth removed as soon as possible once they have created a problem. However, sometimes, you will not receive any symptoms telling you that they are coming through wrong, which is why getting your mouth checked every six months is very important. Doing so will help you during extractions and oral surgery in Brea for your wisdoms.

What to Expect After the Surgery

After you get home from the surgery, you are going to notice oozing blood for at least the first day. If you can, avoid spitting. This is because you do not want to dislodge the clotted blood from the socket, so use and change gauze on the extraction site as much as you can or as directed by your oral surgeon or dentist. For the pain, you can use the prescription pain medication, if you were given any, but Tylenol, for example, works just as well. You can use an ice pack held against your jaw for the pain and the swelling. The swelling should improve after three days, but there may be bruising that will take longer to go away.

However, if the swelling does not go away after a couple of days, you must see your dentist immediately. This could mean that the socket has become infected, and if that is the case, your neighboring teeth could be in trouble and at the risk of infection spread. Ensure that you see your dentist as soon as possible, so you can avoid additional extractions and oral surgery in Colorado Springs.

Once you get home from your surgery, stay in bed or in a comfortable position, staying off your feet. For a week at the minimum, avoid any activity that could strain you or cause you to lose the blood clot on the extraction area. Drinking lots of water after your surgery is the best thing you can do, but be sure to avoid hot beverages, carbonated, caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. You will also want to stick to soft foods only, such as applesauce and yogurt. Ensure that you avoid chewy, spicy, hot or hard foods, so you do not irritate the socket.

You will still be able to brush your teeth, but take extra care around the socket area. You do not want to brush the blood clot away or irritate the extraction zone. Do not smoke for at least a couple of days after your surgery. If you have stitches that will dissolve after a couple of weeks, then you do not need to worry about their removal. But if you have stitches that need to be removed for you, make sure you ask your dentist before the surgery to book an appointment to do so. A reminder phone call or email the day before also will be a good idea.

Relax, and Keep in Touch With Your Dentist

During this time, it’s best to relax and not strain yourself. Remember to keep your dentist’s number handy, just in case you have any concerns or questions.

Author's Bio: 

I'm just your average hygienist with a passion for excellence. I do what I do best, which is to help my patients achieve healthy smiles and provide & educate them with oral health care solutions and lifelong cosmetic procedures.