The process that will be used by a solicitor in a quick property sale is an important process. This comes from how a solicitor is going to be required during the entire deal. Here is a look at the process that will be used by a solicitor during a quick property sale.

The first step deals with the solicitors being chosen for both the buyer and seller. The buyer’s solicitor will be someone who has a contract with a buyer to work for the long term with that buyer with regards to handling different types of services in the quick sale field.

The seller’s solicitor will need to work with a Seller’s Property Information Form. This is so that the person will be able to work on the behalf of the seller that is looking to get one’s property sold off in this type of transaction. The form is going to be used as a means of figuring out all of the details that can go into getting this type of sale handled in an efficient and proper way. It also works to get the solicitor to see all of the things that will be going into the sale.

The buyer solicitor will then work to get a draft contract ready. This is a contract that lists all of the terms that will be involved in a quick sale. This includes all of the terms that relate to the transfer of the property from the seller to the buyer. The seller solicitor will have to work to provide this to the buyer solicitor.

The seller will then give to deed to one’s property to the solicitor that is going to represent that seller. The deed will then go and be packaged with the rest of the contract for the sale.

After this is handled the contract for the transaction will be read by the buyer solicitor. Data on the property that will be involved in the sale will also be researched by the solicitor. Once the review is finished with looking over this contract the solicitor will then agree to go ahead with the contract. At this point the draft transfer document in the transaction will be handled. This is done as a means of making the entire deed transfer complete.

The seller solicitor will then take a look at the data transfer document. It will confirm all questions relating to the deal as a means of making sure that no problems will come out of the plan.

Next the contracts will be exchanged between the solicitors. This is going to be handled through a direct physical meeting. It can be handled in a remove fashion as well. However in this case some form of documentation stating that the event occurred will have to be handled as a means of making this an official transaction.

The last part deals with figuring out a date for when the seller will have to leave one’s property. This something that is generally going to be a month or so after this is done. Finally the seller will be paid for the property and the entire quick property sale transaction will be finished.

Author's Bio: 

Steven Martin is a FSA interim authorised provider of sell and rent back and also provides Quick property sale. He works at